"No-Poo" Challenge

LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
Does anyone out there "No-poo"? :bigsmile:

I've been a WEN girl for about 3 years so I haven't really "poo'ed" since that time. I decided that I wanted to ween myself off of WEN, so I started the "no-poo" challenge today using only baking soda and water.

The result was actually pretty fantastic. I've used baking soda before but I would always 'poo afterwards. I really haven't used the baking sods since I started WENNING, but so far this is really awesome.

I'm going to see how it feels after 30 days, but I can see myself never "poo'ing" or WENNING again.


  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.

    Are you dry, oily, or normal?

  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I haven't gone the full nine yards to baking soda and water, but I've been doing CO since november '12 and my hair hasn't been this healthy since I was a kid. I have very fine hair that gets split ends starting 4-5 weeks after a cut. It gets too greasy for me not to wash every day, so I was shampooing and conditioning daily, with a deep condition once a month for the last couple years. After WEN started gaining traction I looked in to CO washing and decided to give it a shot. I didn't want to pay as much as WEN costs, especially since the majority of CO washers that I found were using super cheap conditioners (like VO5) and having results.

    So long story short, through some trial and error I have figured out how to effectively CO wash my own hair and I have found a couple of $5-$10 conditioners that last a couple months and do a very good job. I went from November to May without getting a cut, and when I finally did go in for a trim I still couldn't find a single split end. I am officially a CO washer for life (though not sure I will ever do just baking soda...)
  • griff7809
    griff7809 Posts: 611 Member
    What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

    I poo three times a day like clockw.... OH you're talking about SHAMPOO?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.

    Are you dry, oily, or normal?


    Dry and temperamental. Never know how it's going to turn out.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.

    Lmao , how can this be ? Women don't poop.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    Carry on.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member

    I'm out! I'm out of the contest!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I haven't gone the full nine yards to baking soda and water, but I've been doing CO since november '12 and my hair hasn't been this healthy since I was a kid. I have very fine hair that gets split ends starting 4-5 weeks after a cut. It gets too greasy for me not to wash every day, so I was shampooing and conditioning daily, with a deep condition once a month for the last couple years. After WEN started gaining traction I looked in to CO washing and decided to give it a shot. I didn't want to pay as much as WEN costs, especially since the majority of CO washers that I found were using super cheap conditioners (like VO5) and having results.

    So long story short, through some trial and error I have figured out how to effectively CO wash my own hair and I have found a couple of $5-$10 conditioners that last a couple months and do a very good job. I went from November to May without getting a cut, and when I finally did go in for a trim I still couldn't find a single split end. I am officially a CO washer for life (though not sure I will ever do just baking soda...)

    I really considered CO, but most conditioners just don't work with oily hair. I've had success with WEN Cucumber Aloe Cleansing conditioner, but lately I haven't been as happy with my hair.

    It's gottne oilier, and finer. It was always fine but my ponytail was thick because I have so much hair. But lately the circumference seemed to shrink. So I used 1oz of baking soda and 2 cups of hot water. I went with the white vinegar instead of bragg's even though I have both.

    After using the baking soda and combing it upside down once my hair was dry, the volume was intense. I felt like I was going to cry. I'm sure it's died down now that I've had it up for a few hours...but my hair cascaded down my shoulders. It looked like a mane or something. Pretty crazy.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.

    Are you dry, oily, or normal?


    Dry and temperamental. Never know how it's going to turn out.

    I wish I was dry. Dry seems much easier to manage. My husband is the exact opposite of me. I'm excessively oily and his scalp is like a desert.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I haven't gone the full nine yards to baking soda and water, but I've been doing CO since november '12 and my hair hasn't been this healthy since I was a kid. I have very fine hair that gets split ends starting 4-5 weeks after a cut. It gets too greasy for me not to wash every day, so I was shampooing and conditioning daily, with a deep condition once a month for the last couple years. After WEN started gaining traction I looked in to CO washing and decided to give it a shot. I didn't want to pay as much as WEN costs, especially since the majority of CO washers that I found were using super cheap conditioners (like VO5) and having results.

    So long story short, through some trial and error I have figured out how to effectively CO wash my own hair and I have found a couple of $5-$10 conditioners that last a couple months and do a very good job. I went from November to May without getting a cut, and when I finally did go in for a trim I still couldn't find a single split end. I am officially a CO washer for life (though not sure I will ever do just baking soda...)

    I really considered CO, but most conditioners just don't work with oily hair. I've had success with WEN Cucumber Aloe Cleansing conditioner, but lately I haven't been as happy with my hair.

    It's gottne oilier, and finer. It was always fine but my ponytail was thick because I have so much hair. But lately the circumference seemed to shrink. So I used 1oz of baking soda and 2 cups of hot water. I went with the white vinegar instead of bragg's even though I have both.

    After using the baking soda and combing it upside down once my hair was dry, the volume was intense. I felt like I was going to cry. I'm sure it's died down now that I've had it up for a few hours...but my hair cascaded down my shoulders. It looked like a mane or something. Pretty crazy.

    Nice, glad that works for you! I can definitely see the financial benefits of going straight baking soda, and if it works with your hair chemistry then even better.

    My hair is also super oily, and there were a couple conditioners I tried that didn't clean at ALL. I found that with the right formula and with scrubbing as if I'm using shampoo I get perfectly clean hair and no damage. I've even kept a bottle of clarifying shampoo on hand just in case it seems like I am starting to get buildup, but I haven't had to use it yet.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm in.....wait....no...nevermind. Something came out. I'm out.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I'm in.....wait....no...nevermind. Something came out. I'm out.

    Shove it back in and try again.
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    As a chick I feel I should know what's going on here.. but really have no clue....
  • JHarr454
    JHarr454 Posts: 50 Member
    I am a guy, but I haven't used anything but water in my hair now for a couple of years and it's fine. Once you get off the poo and your body normalizes, most people will be fine.
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    I only poo maybe twice a week. Anything more than that is way too hard on me.

    Are you dry, oily, or normal?


    Dry and temperamental. Never know how it's going to turn out.

    mine tends to have a mind of it's own. Some days it's all dry and kinky and all over the place but most days I just hope for normal. I will add that when I go a couple days and not poo it it actually looks and does better. I am all for the "no poo".
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    OMG! I'm so IN for the responses! lmao :laugh:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I am a guy, but I haven't used anything but water in my hair now for a couple of years and it's fine. Once you get off the poo and your body normalizes, most people will be fine.

    If I could transition from super oily to normal, I would die a little inside. That would be an amazing day.

    I look at my mom and she's only gotten oilier with age, and now I feel like that's happening to me. I need break that cycle.
  • penelopestamp
    As a chick I feel I should know what's going on here.. but really have no clue....

    Took me until someone actually wrote 'shampoo' to get it. You're not alone.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I have oily hair I am terrified to try it. Always wanted to