Going on vacation...afraid of how to eat well while away!



  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    I went on a two week vacation with my family. I tried to watch my portions but I also tried to enjoy myself. I gained 5 pounds in two weeks. It was a good learning experience that I need to stay focused. I lost those 5 pounds in a week so I think it may have been some water weight from eating high sodium foods. Enjoy yourself on vacation and don't worry about it too much. It's more the everyday choices that make a big difference in living healthy.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    Stock up on some healthy snacks and take a cooler in the car! You can switch out ice at the hotels---they almost always have a free ice machine.

    You can put fruit, veggies, ice. If the hotels have free breakfast take some fruit for the road. That way when you stop at the fast food places along the way, you will have already filled up on some good stuff and wont be as hungry for the fried stuff.
  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    I always lose weight during vacation without even trying. My secret is to stay busy and have too much fun to even think about food. By doing that, I got to try different dishes that I would otherwise never try and still lose weight!
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    Vacations/camping/anything out of my normal routine frighten me. I'm always worried about falling off the wagon.
    I'd love to hear your tips after you get back.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My two cents: if your diet ruins your vacation then it's not a very sustainable diet.

    Have fun. Make the best choices you can and move more. Don't stress over what you can't control. And when you get home stay off the scale for a week or two because you'll almost certainly be retaining some water no matter how good you were.

    Awesome reply!

    I've had my ups and downs on vacations but find the following helps a lot:

    Bring a few snacks or plan on buying some when you get to your destination. Having a protein bar or some fruit on hand helps avoid temptations... Say you start getting hungry but it's a coulpe hours until you're planning on going to dinner. If you wait until you get to dinner, you'll be so famished that all the goodies will be too tempting to pass up. But if you have a snack, you'll be able to keep control!

    Get as much activity in as you can. Encourage your fellow travellers to hit the pool or gym with you every morning/night. Plan your day so you walk instead of taking public transoprt. Just be careful about safety...

    Moderate drinking. Not only is it high cal but it can lower your inhibitions which again leads to giving into temptations. Enjoy a few cocktails of course but pace yourself by drinking water between drinks and really taking your time to enjoy. If you're thirsty, drink a glass or two of water first, then have your wine/cocktail. I've made this mistake a few too many times and wind up with a big buzz before I realize what I did wrong. Oops! :)

    If you can't get on MFP but want to stil track, just use pen and paper. Don't worry about the numbers. Just jotting down what you're eating will help you to be mindful.

    Above all, have fun!!