Healthy/Fit moms

Any other mamas getting fit? I have a little over 50 lbs to lose and would love to find other moms who are getting fit/healthy as well! Please send me a friend request :)


  • Samantha5509
    Samantha5509 Posts: 27 Member
    Yup! Mama of two little girls trying to lose 20lbs!!
  • mlm7281
    mlm7281 Posts: 37 Member
    Here as well :). Mom of two, got 35 to lose
  • DeniseWilson43
    DeniseWilson43 Posts: 87 Member
    Yes there is Iam mother of 2 boys, 10 & 11 y/o, work full time LPN an Wife. Running is my passion my stress reliever my endorphin. Started Wt training 5 wks ago, an take Karrette Iam a blue belt. I was size 24 in pass now a 10. Wt is a struggle to loose, really is True older you get harder is there you have to push harder. Welcome to this community... Denise