Abs workout



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I really like my abs roller. Following abdominal surgery to remove a large tumor, I was morbidly obese, had scar tissue and a diastasis recti and had basically zero muscle tone in my abs. That was nine months ago, and since then I've done a lot of various exercises which work the core including push-ups, squats, etc., but the two specifically core targeted things which helped most were the abs roller and Bollywood Zumba. About a billion hip circles, hip lifts, and so on really gets your abs going. I recently did a fitness test for crunches and found I could max the test, without ever having done any crunches, just because of having done other exercises. Diastasis recti is gone now, and although I have quite a few pounds left to lose before they will be visible, I can feel a nice solid wall of muscle underneath.
  • haniame
    haniame Posts: 97 Member
    I really like my abs roller. Following abdominal surgery to remove a large tumor, I was morbidly obese, had scar tissue and a diastasis recti and had basically zero muscle tone in my abs. That was nine months ago, and since then I've done a lot of various exercises which work the core including push-ups, squats, etc., but the two specifically core targeted things which helped most were the abs roller and Bollywood Zumba. About a billion hip circles, hip lifts, and so on really gets your abs going. I recently did a fitness test for crunches and found I could max the test, without ever having done any crunches, just because of having done other exercises. Diastasis recti is gone now, and although I have quite a few pounds left to lose before they will be visible, I can feel a nice solid wall of muscle underneath.

    I actually use an ab roller too and i have found it VERY EFFECTIVE!
  • amywhoa
    amywhoa Posts: 47 Member
    haniame wrote: »
    amywhoa wrote: »
    Start incorporating cardio, help burns off those calories!!!
    Watch how much your consuming, eat less than your body needs to maintain (calorie deficit)
    Definitely do whole body workouts to target fat loss everywhere.
    But some good ab workouts
    Lower abs -
    Leg raises
    Hip ups
    Rope pulls
    Plank jacks
    Plank leg lifts
    Obliques -
    Plank hip dips
    Side plank holds
    Russian twists
    Upper abs -
    Toe touches
    Plank hand to elbows

    U can pick a few from each and do 3 sets of 10-20 reps depending on your level. Or do about 30-50 reps of each 1 time through.
    There are so many more good ab workouts to do!!

    Thanks! Already quite small (107 lbs) just looking to get good muscle definition

    Thats awesome lucky u!! Use weights while doing abs to make ur sis pack pop! Most of us have a layer fat over ours so u can't see any ab muscle definition
  • amywhoa
    amywhoa Posts: 47 Member