If you've already lost a lot of weight,



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I'm not sure if my response completely goes with your topic but, I would have to say that I am MUCH MUCH MUCH more self-conscious now that I've lost almost 100lbs. It baffles my mind that I really wasn't when I was much bigger.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I sometimes feel like when I'm getting something that's not so healthy (usually my treat meal) that I need to let everyone around me know that I already got in a workout that day or am planning a big one for later on. :wink:

    LOL exactly! Or that you haven't eaten it in forever and you have an excuse for being in a rush AND it fits into your food diary for the day!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I'm incredibly judgmental all the time. Only in my head. I don't ever say horrible things or laugh at people.
    I got terrible when I was doing so well with my weight loss. Its hard to remember all the hard work you put in each and everyday. Sometimes its really difficult and sometimes it feels like nothing, its important to realise that others around us may already be making those changes and battling with the same difficulties we had at the start. I tend to feel sorry for people who are bigger than average adn try so hard. What I hate are TV programs about weight that deliberatly although somewhat subconciously makes fun of larger people. BBC three channel (UK) constantly shows documentrys called 'big meets bigger' and other such titles with no intention of providing helpful information but just filling an hour with big people plodding through hospitals and supermarkets sometimes arguing with family members. Telling the world that neither of the parents have a job and they cost us the 'taxpayer' this and that. One documentry showed an overweight family that ate 20,000 calories a day like it was some sort of freak show!. ooops!! lost the plot there.
    My point:
    I think I judge people so much because I lost so much confidence when I was confronted about my weight that I felt I had to compare myself constantly with the next bloke and be jealous of the skinny guys. Sadly I'd be secretly please when anyone of of my friends gained a little weight. It's terrible I know. I must admit I am improving though. I never pass comment and I never give advice unless i'm asked. I don't feel like I'm nasty but I do wish i could be better at acceptance and have a little more pleasure in seeing other people do well instead of constantly feeling like I'm doing worse or I'm not good enough. Anyone know what I mean?
    Ps. Right now I'm like totally kicking a**! I put on a little weight but I kinda know how to get rid of it and another month or two and I'll be back to Mr. annoyingly confident! yay!
    PPs. I do also find mobility scooters annoying espicially when they over take me jogging!! grr!!
    Ben x
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I don't judge people about their weight, but when I see a really big girl, I constantly ask myself, is that how big I am? Was I that big before I started my diet or even worse? I wonder how tall she is and how much she weighs? I always want to know if that is what I look like. I am horrible about doing it on the biggest loser. I watch the contestants and think, wow, I weight more than her but she is huge!! Then I get a reality check and realize...so am I.

    I try not to worry about what other people think. I did that for so many years, I would lock myself in my house and just eat.

    Me too! I am so 'used' to seeing myself in the mirror this 'fat', that I wonder what I look like to others, and if I'm like HER or HER or HER (especially HER because if I thought I looked like that, I would cry and cry and cry.....). Just like anorexics sometimes see themselves as 'fat' even when they are obviously thin, I think it works on the other side of it too...especially if it is gradual in either gaining or losing.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but I find it kind of sad that people who have been there are judging others who are still overweight, obese, 'big girls" etc. What about compassion? We never know what is going on in someone's life (ok, maybe not the people on the scooters and the ones who are going to McDonald's and buying 2 meals for 1 person). I'm kind of embarrassed to think that people at the gym are thinking they would like to congratulate me because I'm there working out, as an obese/ "big girl". If someone actually came up to me and said that to me, it would make me even MORE self conscious than I already am there. Maybe some of these people that are being judged ARE working on their weight, but it doesn't melt off overnight, as we all know. There are enough skinny people with hatred toward fat people/big girls, etc, that we have to combat.
  • SachaMichel
    I agree with nkk74... I would be kind of offended if someone congratulated me at the gym for working out, just because I'm overweight. You wouldn't do that to a skinny/fit person. It also confirms the thought that I'm being noticed and judged specifically because of my weight- Even if it's a positive kind of judgment.

    As for OP, I don't judge, but it's more out of apathy than anything.
  • fchopin42
    fchopin42 Posts: 51
    I try not to judge people in any situation.... I don't know what their personal situation is and what is going on in their life so I hate to label them. I do get a little upset when I see adults who allow their very young children to become obese... It is up to the parents to keep them healthy and eating junk all the time isn't healthy.

    I have had weight issues all my life and I have been on both sides (very thin and pretty chunky). I was raised by grandparents who have always made me feel that the way I look is most important. I remember being on diets at a very young age. I was never allowed to eat "junk" other kids were eating around me. I used to sneak food frequently... even if it was just toast. Comments were made by my grandparents all the time that were very hurtful and mean about my weight. For example I remember my grandfather telling me my thigh looked like a big ham.... and that if I lost weight I would be pretty..... I was miserable and I have a lot of "issues" now. Even now (I'm 30) they ask questions all the time concerning my weight. I was quite thin for several years before finding out I had thyroid cancer last Nov. After having my thyroid removed I gained about 40 pounds. I had to hear "When are you going to start loosing weight?" every time I spoke to them.

    If you have children whose eating habits concern you please help them understand the reason you don't allow them to have junk is for health reasons and that you think they are beautiful and wonderful no matter what they look like. Encourage them to do fun exercise like rollerblading, bowling, frisbee, swimming, etc.... and do these things with them....

    My husband is one to say horrible things about overweight people and it drives me nuts... He has never been overweight and couldn't possibly understand what it feels like to be this way. It really irritates me and makes me feel bad about myself because I am currently overweight. He tells me I don't count because my weight gain is because of medical issues.... ugh.. he's so clueless....

    Anyway, hopefully my post makes sense.... lol
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    I don't care about others weight, but THEY seem to think I do! I have had coworkers turn their styro boxes away from me when I sit at the table. I could care less, so cant be putting off a vibe..............so now I aske what they are eating and ask to taste a bite.
    lol me too !!!!!!