Intermittent fasting



  • Dan__Cote
    Dan__Cote Posts: 41 Member
    It's nice to see that someone else uses ( insert thumbs up emoji) @neanderthin. I love that resource. Tons of scientific clinical research.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    edited March 2023
    Just to add: I reread your post and agree with you on a few points. 1) that autophagy is not a processed caused by fasting and your right autophagy happens all the time. The question could be framed by asking , does autophagy increase during calorie restriction and fasting and if it does, for what purpose. Yes autophagy increases on a fasting timeline.

    2) Another point you made was glycogen and adipose is broken down for energy on a continual basis, which I agree with and the fat that is used are ketones and specifically beta hydroxybutyrate which increases HGH (human growth hormone) and when fasting, more ketones are used for fuel. HGH has a "protective effect" for muscle protein
    synthesis and breakdown by increasing IGF-1 which triggers the growth and repair of bones and muscle. Cheers
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Just to add: I reread your post and agree with you on a few points. 1) that autophagy is not a processed caused by fasting and your right autophagy happens all the time. The question could be framed by asking , does autophagy increase during calorie restriction and fasting and if it does, for what purpose. Yes autophagy increases on a fasting timeline.

    2) Another point you made was glycogen and adipose is broken down for energy on a continual basis, which I agree with and the fat that is used are ketones and specifically beta hydroxybutyrate which increases HGH (human growth hormone) and when fasting, more ketones are used for fuel. HGH has a "protective effect" for muscle protein
    synthesis and breakdown by increasing IGF-1 which triggers the growth and repair of bones and muscle. Cheers

    Agreed... what sets me off is the charlatans (not the PP, but the people that she is getting her info from) that want to ascribe all of these magical mystical properties to IF or fasting or any other thing when those same properties are actually happening as a normal result of the body functioning on a daily/weekly/whatever basis.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Just to add: I reread your post and agree with you on a few points. 1) that autophagy is not a processed caused by fasting and your right autophagy happens all the time. The question could be framed by asking , does autophagy increase during calorie restriction and fasting and if it does, for what purpose. Yes autophagy increases on a fasting timeline.

    2) Another point you made was glycogen and adipose is broken down for energy on a continual basis, which I agree with and the fat that is used are ketones and specifically beta hydroxybutyrate which increases HGH (human growth hormone) and when fasting, more ketones are used for fuel. HGH has a "protective effect" for muscle protein
    synthesis and breakdown by increasing IGF-1 which triggers the growth and repair of bones and muscle. Cheers

    Agreed... what sets me off is the charlatans (not the PP, but the people that she is getting her info from) that want to ascribe all of these magical mystical properties to IF or fasting or any other thing when those same properties are actually happening as a normal result of the body functioning on a daily/weekly/whatever basis.

    I don't disagree with that assertion at all, I see it constantly. That's why it's important or at least I believe that because we can find a study to disagree with just about every argument and there's lots of examples of that happening and why it's more helpful and essential, I think, to look at the totality of evidence and basically hypothesis from there because there's no doubt that new evidence is in the pipeline that will then influence that conversation and every conversation about nutrition going forward. Science is just looking for truth and unfortunately there's a lot of agents (charlatans) that have a vested interest that the literature unfolds in a certain direction and is funded in ways that support that. cheers
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2023
    This thread is old, but IF is hot, once again.

    When we venture onto a new way of eating, we will be served up many opinions. We will squabble over ideas. No one has all of the answers. No one possesses the One Perfect Truth, and everyone else is dead wrong. Two people can have different experiences. One person's experience will not seamlessly agree with another in order to be valid.

    IF and TRE are two different things, but most people call it IF. Dropping it like it's hot may be exciting, until it's not. If you can't maintain a rapid weight loss, without any idea how to merge IF into the Maintenance Phase, what did you really learn.

    If you must continue IF'ing and restricting food groups for the rest of your life, did it change anything for you then?
    Extremes beget extremes. Overeating followed by any kind of rigid restriction will only last so long. I do know a thing or two about IF and TRE. If you have T2 diabetes and you choose to fall off the dieting rollercoaster, there will be ghrelin blowback. It happens.

    People start eating it all back before they know what hits them. It almost happens by remote control. Then it's more IF'ing or some other rigid plan that only lasts for a season. Good food fixes everything. Until you learn to be comfortable inside of your own skin and personality, you will always be swimming upstream with diets and rigid plans.

    You have to make peace with yourself. You have to give yourself permission to eat the foods that you've always eaten. You will return to them, no matter how rigid you become or determined. Weakness will come knocking on your front door. You will open it. Your old former habits may decide to move in and stay awhile. Mill around and shoot the breeze with you.

    Before you know it, you're right back where you started. How in the hell did all of that happen? Why didn't your mind bother to stop that slide. Not one single time did your brain kick in and say, we've got to get a grip on this today before rebound weight gain with friends moves in and stays and stays and stays. Maybe, forever.

    No one has all of the answers. If there's one take away from MFP, it's this. Moderate your portions. Eat everything
    you like and don't let anyone tell you that you can't. You can. It might take you a couple of years to find your way back home.

    Remember your youth and childhood. Every waking moment was not consumed with food thoughts. You had a life that you loved with all of your being. Your body followed you, accommodated you. You did all of the things you really wanted to do.

    Guess what. Your body wants you back. It wants to feel alive and have fun. You have to make peace with who you really are at your inner core. Find your way back home, again. Pick yourself back UP. Throw all of these rigid plans out with the bathwater. I believe dieting is the cause of disordered eating.

    That very first diet was our biggest mistake. We didn't need it. We just needed a guiding hand and some encouragement to find our way back home, again.