Step counters while pushing a stroller...?

I push a stroller almost on a daily basis and have found many of my steps aren't being counted.. my fitness tracker is on my wrist but my arms still bob as I'm walking so I'm not sure why the steps aren't being counted.. does anyone else have this problem? Also, my tracker is a Huawei fit.


  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I just take it off and put it in a pocket when pushing a cart/stroller
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Hanswifey wrote: »
    I push a stroller almost on a daily basis and have found many of my steps aren't being counted.. my fitness tracker is on my wrist but my arms still bob as I'm walking so I'm not sure why the steps aren't being counted.. does anyone else have this problem? Also, my tracker is a Huawei fit.

    They've got three dimensional accelerometers in then, so it's not just the movement, but the type of movement they they're measuring.

    Fwiw putting it in your pocket will also give you a false reading, because the movement is different from that expected.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    I used to wear my FitBit religiously and acted as if my life depended on an accurate step count. But the battery has been dead for over a month now and I can't get it recharged, so no 10K/day steps for me.


    I do know that when I go for my evening walk with the dog and my Saturday hikes, my step count is roughly 2000/mile. I don't need a tracker to let me know that I'm getting 6-8-10-12k steps in a given day. If I walk a few miles or cycle on a daily basis, I know I'm getting plenty of activity, regardless of a "step count".
  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    I used to put my step counter on my walking boots laces -
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    I'm struggling with this with the shopping cart. I will just push with one hand unless I'm turning a corner ☺
  • ashleep423
    ashleep423 Posts: 11 Member
    I lace my fitbit on my shoe laces when I go walking with the stroller
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    I got a ankle band off Amazon and wear my fitbit ony ankle. It seems to be pretty accurate