Food not as good?

I have been at this healthier lifestyle 7 weeks today. 15 pounds lost! 1/4 of the way there. I decide for lunch I would get my favorite item from the BBQ place down the road (even walked to it) Now I added them into my calories with a light breakfast and light dinner I won't be over on calories. I have craved this carb, fried, salty, and sweet meal for weeks! It really sadden me that it isn't as good as I remember. Which is a good thing because it won't be worth the calories when I can have something else with 1/2 the calories. Has anyone else notice their favorite foods not being as good?


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,735 Member
    I have. My taste buds have definitely changed as I've change my diet over the years.

    I like to cook and use lots of different seasonings, so now when going out to eat most food is just plain too salty for me. But, I look at it as a good thing and just find something that works. Congrats on your progress so far!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Six years in and no change here.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Lose my taste for BBQ? Never. Of course I make sure I am eating very high quality BBQ overseen by a talented pit master. If it's crappy BBQ I would probably lose my taste for it very quickly.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Yes, absolutely. I used to love candy and chocolate and now it's too sweet for me. Cookies, cakes, donuts, too.

    I also tend to think I want "x", then get it, only eat 1/2 of what I planned because I physically can't eat that much any more. And then I'm disappointed that I could have eated something I liked now.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    Lose my taste for BBQ? Never. Of course I make sure I am eating very high quality BBQ overseen by a talented pit master. If it's crappy BBQ I would probably lose my taste for it very quickly.

    The meat was great. Next time just meat. This was fries, mac and cheese, baked beans, meat, bbq, and ranch. The combination wasn't as tasty and my stomach is like a stormy ocean right now. I notice grease on different things make me sick to my stomach.
    Yes, absolutely. I used to love candy and chocolate and now it's too sweet for me. Cookies, cakes, donuts, too.

    I also tend to think I want "x", then get it, only eat 1/2 of what I planned because I physically can't eat that much any more. And then I'm disappointed that I could have eated something I liked now.

    I split this meal between lunch and dinner. Just to much food for one sitting. (thought my husband may get the leftovers, which it good it would save me some calories!
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Lose my taste for BBQ? Never. Of course I make sure I am eating very high quality BBQ overseen by a talented pit master. If it's crappy BBQ I would probably lose my taste for it very quickly.

    The meat was great. Next time just meat. This was fries, mac and cheese, baked beans, meat, bbq, and ranch. The combination wasn't as tasty and my stomach is like a stormy ocean right now. I notice grease on different things make me sick to my stomach.
    Yes, absolutely. I used to love candy and chocolate and now it's too sweet for me. Cookies, cakes, donuts, too.

    I also tend to think I want "x", then get it, only eat 1/2 of what I planned because I physically can't eat that much any more. And then I'm disappointed that I could have eated something I liked now.

    I split this meal between lunch and dinner. Just to much food for one sitting. (thought my husband may get the leftovers, which it good it would save me some calories!

    Look for an old school place that offers greens, Lima beans, southern green beans, etc. Actually the baked beans are an excellent source for fiber...pulses play an important role in digestive health and generally healthy eating. I too will generally take home half a large BBQ meal and have it for lunch later in the week.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    I used to guzzle pop like it was going out of style. I switched to fizzy lemon water with much success. I had a sip of a pepsi the other day and it was disgusting. Like really gross.

    I've also noticed that sweet things are way too sweet. I can't eat a regular chocolate bar and I can only handle dark chocolate now.

    I've been eating plain yogurt with berries for awhile and I think a regular over sweetened yogurt would probably make me sick. I definitely don't see how I ate so much sugar before.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Oh, yes. It happens to me, too. One of these days I'll maybe even remind myself before eating it that I won't even enjoy it.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    Oh, yes. It happens to me, too. One of these days I'll maybe even remind myself before eating it that I won't even enjoy it.

    My husband has a super active job (climbs trees and takes them down for a livings) he can eat what ever he wants. I have a list for him of foods that upset my stomach so he knows that we can't have it together. Pizza is his favorite food, he can eat a large by himself. He wanted to go to Pizza Hut for the lunch buffet yesterday and I told him to go by himself. The amount of pain certain foods have brought me doesn't need a reminder. Ice cream and yogurt are also no go. I think I many have a slight intolerance to cheese.
  • MelkaBielka
    MelkaBielka Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2017
    completely. I havent even been at it that long, and i certainly havent been denying myself treats. They still taste as good as i remember at first, but after a minute or two not so much. Like a little piece of a chocolate bar is fine now instead of the whole thing, and another whole one after it. I still like it, just not the same way. I guess we are learning about prioritizing better fuel for ourselves at this point. Also, after eating sorta well for a while, if i eat too much crappy food i feel really gross, almost sick. Our body has adapted to the changes and now it doesnt wanna go back. Consider it a good thing :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have had more of a gradual revelation of the subtler nuances of "real" food, and not really experienced junk food to not taste good anymore. Until it suddenly happened a week ago. One of my downfalls (there were many, yes) used to be chips/crisps. Haven't eaten it for almost three years? I bought a small, high-end bag, and was really looking forward to it. It just tasted fat. It was crispy, but it tasted nothing but fat. Part disappointment, part aha-moment, part good-riddance. But not sad. There are still so many great things to eat.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I have. My taste buds have definitely changed as I've change my diet over the years.

    I like to cook and use lots of different seasonings, so now when going out to eat most food is just plain too salty for me. But, I look at it as a good thing and just find something that works. Congrats on your progress so far!

    ditto on restaurant food being a salt-lick when you haven't gone out to eat in a while.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Its been about four years since I started eating healthier and actively trying to lose weight; my tastes have really changed since then. I used to crave eating large quantities of "cheap" treats, things like fried chicken tenders, Doritos, boxed cookies, sugar cereal, cheese wiz etc. and now I don't crave these foods or get any pleasure from eating them at all. I think its due to a combination of my taste buds changing, my subconscious knowing the calories and nutritional value (or lack of) in these foods as well as simply habit after a few years of doing this.

    I'm not knocking these foods, I still eat plenty of food that aren't supposedly good for you and could easily cause me to gain weight when eaten in excess but I just seem to crave things with higher quality simple ingredients. Things like fresh burrata instead of cheese wiz, french macarons and an espresso from the bakery down the street instead of donuts and a coffee coolata from Dunkin Donuts etc. I also seem to be satisfied but much much less of these treats when I do crave them.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yes, but it's allergies causing me to lose my senses of smell and taste. :(
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I think guilt makes people not truly enjoy food.

    I really enjoy "junk" food because I know I'm going to make sure it doesn't make me go over my weekly calorie limit.

    I was going to say something about this, but it ended up too longwinded. Now I have a compelling urge :p

    I am starting to understand better why I overate junk. I expected great taste, but I felt that I really shouldn't even touch it in the first place, and definitely not enjoy it, and that I was weak because I couldn't resist. So in my mind, junk food became something amazing, but when I finally "gave in", I never paid much attention, because of the guilt and excitement, and I didn't get the rush I expected - partly because of the guilt, partly because of the "halo effect" - so I continued eating to try to get it. When the food was gone, I just felt miserable, and I didn't connect the dots - all I saw, was me, a helpless victim to advertising and my own need for flavor, and the empty containers.
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    I personally haven’t noticed the sugar thing because I have never loved sugar, but I have friends who couldn’t fathom why I didn’t want cake or whatever or thought that certain breads and pasta sauces were way too sweet to eat that get it now that they have been cutting sugar with the recent “sugar is the root of all evil” campaign (score one for me there, though I don’t believe anything is the root of all evil and I’m sure the food marketed as evil will change again...eggs? Fat? Cheese? they know what I’m taking about).

    I do notice that I can’t eat nearly as much as I used to in one sitting. I get over 800 cals or so and I’m stuffed (that number depends on macro content of what I’m eating but it seems to be somewhere around that). And fried stuff? Belly ache inducing now if I eat very much of it.