So - Is There Such A Thing As Different Builds/Bone Structures?

I know the whole ectomorph/Mesomorph/Endomorph thing is a load of nonsense but I am wondering, given the BMI ranges for each height are so broad, do people really have different bone structures/builds? I am asking because I have noticed that people of the same height and weight can appear entirely different in terms of whether they appear healthy/thin/chubby etc. For example, when I am at the bottom of the weight range for my height, I become very bony and can see my ribs/hipbones, but someone else the same height and weight will look fairly healthy.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, absolutely. Fat distribution varies as well (android vs gynoid.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I have a large frame and the only time I've had a BMI as low as 24 was after 6 weeks of undereating and overexercising during boot camp. When I first arrived there, I had to get boots and hats from the men's side of the uniforms room because there weren't any big enough in women's. At 5'6", I'm not especially tall.

    I've always had a hard time buying bracelets. I wear men's shoes as often as I can get away with it.

    My goal is to get back into my skinny jeans from when I was a full time yoga teacher, which will have me at a Low Overweight BMI, and I'm ok with that.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,663 Member
    Yes of course. That's why there is a range. I look healthy and fit at the top of the BMI range (160) where smaller built women would not. I have broad shoulders, big hips, a big rib cage, a big head, big hands, etc. I haven't been at the bottom (128) ever but I don't think I would look healthy at all.

    And I'm totally the opposite. Well, I do have wide shoulders, but narrow hip width and no breasts (mastectomies). I look best - not bony or skinny - near the low end of the BMI range (19-20). I was noticeably fat near the top end.

    I haven't seen a simple frame-classification method that's anything but nonsense yet, but there are definitely meaningful differences in people's configurations.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yes of course. That's why there is a range. I look healthy and fit at the top of the BMI range (160) where smaller built women would not. I have broad shoulders, big hips, a big rib cage, a big head, big hands, etc. I haven't been at the bottom (128) ever but I don't think I would look healthy at all.

    And I'm totally the opposite. Well, I do have wide shoulders, but narrow hip width and no breasts (mastectomies). I look best - not bony or skinny - near the low end of the BMI range (19-20). I was noticeably fat near the top end.

    I haven't seen a simple frame-classification method that's anything but nonsense yet, but there are definitely meaningful differences in people's configurations.

    I have fairly broad shoulders also, but even when I was once underweight, my hips did not get that small, and are currently 34". My body, in the past, tended to settle at a BMI of around 20, but am currently 18.5-18.7. Although not underweight by BMI standards, a few people, including a trainer, have said I am underweight, so I am assuming it is due to my having a fair amount of muscle. I wish there was a way to gauge, beyond how you feel and how you look, the best weight as an individual.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yes of course. That's why there is a range. I look healthy and fit at the top of the BMI range (160) where smaller built women would not. I have broad shoulders, big hips, a big rib cage, a big head, big hands, etc. I haven't been at the bottom (128) ever but I don't think I would look healthy at all.

    And I'm totally the opposite. Well, I do have wide shoulders, but narrow hip width and no breasts (mastectomies). I look best - not bony or skinny - near the low end of the BMI range (19-20). I was noticeably fat near the top end.

    I haven't seen a simple frame-classification method that's anything but nonsense yet, but there are definitely meaningful differences in people's configurations.

    I have fairly broad shoulders also, but even when I was once underweight, my hips did not get that small, and are currently 34". My body, in the past, tended to settle at a BMI of around 20, but am currently 18.5-18.7. Although not underweight by BMI standards, a few people, including a trainer, have said I am underweight, so I am assuming it is due to my having a fair amount of muscle. I wish there was a way to gauge, beyond how you feel and how you look, the best weight as an individual.

    You know that most people consider 34" hips small, right? And at 18.5-18.7, yes, you're right on the edge of being underweight.

    It might be worth listening to your trainer, and others around you. Body dysmorphia is a beast, and another b word. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in that that we can't see what's the reality.

    This. Your weight is very much on low end of what's healthy. If, as you say, you have broad shoulders then you are underweight. Why are you trying to maintain such a low weight? Is it for a sport?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,663 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yes of course. That's why there is a range. I look healthy and fit at the top of the BMI range (160) where smaller built women would not. I have broad shoulders, big hips, a big rib cage, a big head, big hands, etc. I haven't been at the bottom (128) ever but I don't think I would look healthy at all.

    And I'm totally the opposite. Well, I do have wide shoulders, but narrow hip width and no breasts (mastectomies). I look best - not bony or skinny - near the low end of the BMI range (19-20). I was noticeably fat near the top end.

    I haven't seen a simple frame-classification method that's anything but nonsense yet, but there are definitely meaningful differences in people's configurations.

    I have fairly broad shoulders also, but even when I was once underw.eight, my hips did not get that small, and are currently 34". My body, in the past, tended to settle at a BMI of around 20, but am currently 18.5-18.7. Although not underweight by BMI standards, a few people, including a trainer, have said I am underweight, so I am assuming it is due to my having a fair amount of muscle. I wish there was a way to gauge, beyond how you feel and how you look, the best weight as an individual.

    IMO, it's truly individual. I consider my 34" hips small, and I am not completely devoid of muscle, at 19-20 BMI.

    I don't really even understand the idea of ideal weight outside of feeling & looking, though I suppose there's optimum health somewhere in there. But I don't know how you'd begin to measure that individualistically.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Some people even have more or fewer bones and/or muscles! I can't remember the details off hand but there are a few different ones this can happen with lol.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Yes, there are different bone structures. For example, I have wide-ish hips and shoulders. Even when my weight has been classified as borderline "underweight" on the BMI scale (5'6" and 116 lbs), I have never been able to fit into the really small sizes ... in fact, in North American sizes, the lowest I've been able to fit into was an 8, and I suspect there was some vanity sizing involved in that. My hip bones just will not fit into anything super-small.
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Yes, there are different bone structures. For example, I have wide-ish hips and shoulders. Even when my weight has been classified as borderline "underweight" on the BMI scale (5'6" and 116 lbs), I have never been able to fit into the really small sizes ... in fact, in North American sizes, the lowest I've been able to fit into was an 8, and I suspect there was some vanity sizing involved in that. My hip bones just will not fit into anything super-small.

    I'm 5'7" and wear size 4 at 128 pounds, or sometimes a 2 in vanity sizing. Fairly narrow hips, obviously, and an apple type fat distribution that keeps that which is covered by a pair of mid-rise jeans on the lean side. I have to go up at least a size on pants that fit at my natural waist, though, because I have the same problem with my short thick waist that you do with your wide hip bones. It's hard to find anything that fits at the waist without being baggy in the seat and thighs.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    rosyone1 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Yes, there are different bone structures. For example, I have wide-ish hips and shoulders. Even when my weight has been classified as borderline "underweight" on the BMI scale (5'6" and 116 lbs), I have never been able to fit into the really small sizes ... in fact, in North American sizes, the lowest I've been able to fit into was an 8, and I suspect there was some vanity sizing involved in that. My hip bones just will not fit into anything super-small.

    I'm 5'7" and wear size 4 at 128 pounds, or sometimes a 2 in vanity sizing. Fairly narrow hips, obviously, and an apple type fat distribution that keeps that which is covered by a pair of mid-rise jeans on the lean side. I have to go up at least a size on pants that fit at my natural waist, though, because I have the same problem with my short thick waist that you do with your wide hip bones. It's hard to find anything that fits at the waist without being baggy in the seat and thighs.

    Yes ... and if it fits me in the waist, my hips aren't getting in it! I wear a lot of skirts and especially skirts with a bit of flare.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yes of course. That's why there is a range. I look healthy and fit at the top of the BMI range (160) where smaller built women would not. I have broad shoulders, big hips, a big rib cage, a big head, big hands, etc. I haven't been at the bottom (128) ever but I don't think I would look healthy at all.

    And I'm totally the opposite. Well, I do have wide shoulders, but narrow hip width and no breasts (mastectomies). I look best - not bony or skinny - near the low end of the BMI range (19-20). I was noticeably fat near the top end.

    I haven't seen a simple frame-classification method that's anything but nonsense yet, but there are definitely meaningful differences in people's configurations.

    I have fairly broad shoulders also, but even when I was once underweight, my hips did not get that small, and are currently 34". My body, in the past, tended to settle at a BMI of around 20, but am currently 18.5-18.7. Although not underweight by BMI standards, a few people, including a trainer, have said I am underweight, so I am assuming it is due to my having a fair amount of muscle. I wish there was a way to gauge, beyond how you feel and how you look, the best weight as an individual.

    You know that most people consider 34" hips small, right? And at 18.5-18.7, yes, you're right on the edge of being underweight.

    It might be worth listening to your trainer, and others around you. Body dysmorphia is a beast, and another b word. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in that that we can't see what's the reality.


    Being on the edge of underweight, and having a "fair amount of muscle" doesnt really make sense. Muscle mass will make you heavier for your size, and your bmi would be higher than expected if that were the case.

    It is what my ex trainer said recently. By fair amount, I mean that I have little body fat but have retained muscle from the training I used to do(when my current profile picture was actually current), not that I have lots of prominent muscles. I suppose a few recent photographs might better illustrate what I mean by that. I don't mean I have lots of muscle. I mean that most of what I do have left now is muscle ? But your view may differ.




  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    There's definitely a difference! When I've been towards the bottom of my weight range I've been told I could stand to lose half a stone. It wasn't in a mean way, I just have a small bone structure so the 'healthy' weight looked heavy on me. That was at about 125 lbs at 5 ft 6. Currently I am actually underweight. I'm not saying it is healthy but looking at me, you wouldn't say 'oh she looks really underweight', in fact my friend was shocked when I told her how much I weigh. I would like to gain some muscle and gain weight from it but my weight looks right on my body so even though by BMI standards it's very little, I eat well and get enough nutrients, I feel energetic and my doctor isn't concerned.

    I have a friend who looks pretty similar to me in terms of how slim we look. She has a bigger chest but that's really the only difference you'd notice from looking at us. Yet she weighs 2 and a half stone more. And I don't think ALL that weight comes from her boobs :lol:
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Yes bone density plays a vital roll in weight. Genetics from are ancestors are where our weight is planted.
    You can take 2 exact same size and height of people as well as wear same size of clothing but the weight can be vastly different.