Advise please

Just started up at the gym again after a 2 month break. I'm going to classes and working harder than ever before. I also have PCOS and causes excessive sweating. So when I leave I am absolutely dripping like you wouldn't believe. Obviously due to the sweat after I walk home (around 20mins) I get in the shower wash my body and then wash my clothes for the next day. The thing is I am covered in spots all in my cleavage, under my breast, on my belly, down my sides and on my back. I wear the appropriate gym clothes (although cheap alternatives). They are spots but they don't have a head on them so just look like red dots. Has anyone got skin care advice or routine I should follow. I really hate them


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Can you shower at the gym? Or at least bring wipes to clean off the sweat before you leave?
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    I do sometimes shower at the gym, but good idea with the wipes for when I can't!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I use to have this problem when I ran 3x/wk, only during warmer months. I used to run home and literally run straight upstairs, remove my clothes, and get straight in the shower. I still had spots/blemishes (and I'd never had skin issues previously.) I washed my clothes after every use with both detergent and vinegar and still had the problem.

    I have not had this issue since I stopped running regularly.