5'7 30 year old not losing weight

Sullybear87 Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all am trying to get down from 70.5kg to 65kg
I am a 5'7 woman aged 30
On my feet most of the day try to get to the gym a few days a week

Started on 1200 calories
Had a small loss but felt hungry only 0.7kg
Upped to 1400 been at it month and am back to my starting weight
Have brought some food digital weigh scales today to improve my accuracy
Could anyone look at my diary etc and tell me where I am going wrong
Thanks so much


  • Yoyoghurt
    Yoyoghurt Posts: 52 Member
    Also: see under Community - general diet and weight loss help - most helpful posts...(must read).
    The 2nd post from the bottom has a flowchart in it ‘why I am not losing weight’.
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    Well in the few days of your diary I looked at, you've been eating 1800 a day which is more like maintenance calories. I also noticed there were no condiments or things like cooking oil logged? They can add a LOT of calories and sugar.

    If you are active, 1200-1400 may be too low so perhaps try logging properly for a few weeks and weight everything and make sure nothing gets missed out. Maybe aim for at 1500 calories a day. Personally, I don't think logging so precisely probably isn't the most sustainable or even healthy practice like weighing out rice, sure, but who wants to spend their life weighing each tomato? However, for a few weeks it might help you too see if it does help kick start your weight loss. Once you've got a feel for how much you need to eat, you should be okay to loosen up on the logging.

    Another thing I wanted to mention is something called the Harcombe diet. My dad found it online last year and I half-adopted it (the principle rather than an intense, strict plan). It worked for me, I lost 20 lbs! Basically you have three groups- carbs, proteins and veggies. You can mix carbs and veggies or protein and veggies but not carbs and protein in one meal. I'm not sure on the science but it worked for me!

  • oreo_cookies_1992
    oreo_cookies_1992 Posts: 42 Member
    Your account is private so I can't see your diary. But my suggestion is weighing your food for a while. Obviously this isn't going to be a forever thing - but it will give you a great understand of serving sizes. Like for example.. pasta! I used to eat probably close to 3 servings on my own and that was just the noodles.. a scale will teach you proper portion sizes. Also, if something says 'per 12 is x amount of cals' and then beside it, it will show like (63g) always weigh those out in the beginning as well to make sure. Even food labels can be misleading so it's important to weigh things in the beginning until you feel like you have a good understanding of portion control.

    Also make sure you are eating enough. While it's normal to cut back your calories because things aren't going as you'd hope.. it's important to eat. So before setting your calories lower, make sure you are eating what MFP gives you and logging accurately. It's important to log every single thing in the beginning.
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,803 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for having an open diary. :) I took a look for the past week and here are a few observations:
    • Some days you don't log anything, so it's hard for you to really know how much you're consuming.
    • Several entries of partial servings: 0.75 serving of hallumo with curry and rice, 2.3 macaroons, 1.3 bags of crisps. I'm not sure how you're measuring those. I never eat a third of a macaroon - that whole thing is going to be finished. No crumbs for anyone else! ;)
    • Several "homemade" entries. Are these recipes you've entered yourself or you're taking someone else's entry in the database? If you regularly use someone else's entry there's a large margin for error because you don't know how other people make the same recipe. It's worth the time and effort to put in your own recipes and use those over and over. :)
    • You have the beer listed several times as 110 cal. How much are you consuming in a sitting? A quick Google search shows the beer you've logged is often in a 250 ml can, and is worth 220 cal
    • It looks like you have automatic calorie adjustment set up with your fitness tracker. You may find it better to eat back only half of the "earned" calories, since a lot of trackers are based on averages and can over-estimate your burn.

    I think you will find tightening the logging will help you have a better picture of how much you're really consuming, and then you can adjust from there. I prefer to weigh in grams and measure in mls instead of using cups and tablespoons. I don't have a lot of wiggle room with calories so for me it makes a difference.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • Sullybear87
    Sullybear87 Posts: 5 Member
    Many thanks to all the suggestions I think you are all right I need to accurately track qnd keep to my calories and try to reduce my chcocolate and other junk food like crisps and actually eat more nutritious foods
    Thanks Hanna
  • Yoyoghurt
    Yoyoghurt Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with @livingleanlivingclean