
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I thought you were given stellar advice last week when you asked.

    Make sure you are eating enough to continue to produce milk for your little one. That is what your main concern should be at this time.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    With your logic you're -165 calories for the day.

    That seems like a long term and sustainable plan.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I certainly use my TDEE, but I use the actual data to calculate it rather than a calculator on line. Once you have enough information and you can honestly say that you have entered all the data honestly in your food diary and have weighed yourself under the same conditions on multiple occasions, you can calculate what your TDEE is. You can then set your target intake based on that. Minus -20% or even plus 5-10% if you want to gain. Simply recalculate your TDEE at a regular interval and you'll be right in line with what changes your body is going through. A bit of a lag in time, but very close.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    Unless you are under estimating your food, or over estimating your exercise... yes, you should.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I saw a study yesterday that basically said to break a plateau you need to eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks and increase exercise intensity. The science basically said that your body is finding it's new, lower set point and won't budge below that point without first going into a new lower metabolism.

    If you have patience, you can push through the plateau, but it takes some time. The people in the study who were able to go on losing weight just increased calories to maintenance for two weeks, stepped up their exercise intensity, then reduced calories again after the two week maintenance period. They also maintained a higher exercise intensity after reducing calories again.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yep. I was on 1300 calories a day, and eating back exercise calories. I wasn't really losing anything - maybe a lb here or there, but I'd be just as likely to gain it back a week later. I started TDEE-15% about 5 weeks ago, and look how my chart has changed!


    MFP + exercise cals and TDEE-x% generally work out to be pretty close. Did anything else change in your routine?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eating a percentage below my TDEE works out to being about the same as eating MFP numbers plus exercise calories.

    At first, using MFP numbers was a good motivation to exercise, but now that I exercise has become habit, I don't need the extra motivation. And it's easier for me to aim to eat, for instance, 2000 calories a day, every day, instead of 1600 on a rest day, then 2400 after a long run, and 1800 if I strength train. My appetite doesn't always jive with calories burned. A long run kills my appetite, and I'm famished on rest days.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    OP, you mention that you're still nursing. Are you logging/adding the extra calories that your body needs for that?
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I use multiple calculators to come up with a sedentary TDEE-20% -- the which I am, sedentary, that is. Then I average those different numbers with the MFP calculation and from this I come up with a target amount. When I exercise, I don't necessarily eat the calories back because the exercise is somewhat balanced by snacking overages. I was losing pretty steadily at 1.3 to 1.4 pounds a week.

    For the last month the snacking outran the exercise and the same two pounds were being shed and retrieved. I'm back to avoiding too much late night bread and butter and expect to resume the downward slope within a few days.

    One thing you must remember using this method is that your TDEE is based on your current weight. Every 10 pounds recalculate to slowly reach your maintenance level at a lower rate.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    TDEE < 20% should absolutely work but you may have to tweak it some. Also, if you have metabolic issues, such as IR, Thyroid, PCOS etc. then these imbalances must be corrected before TDEE < 20% will work. At least this has been my experience. :drinker: :drinker:

    edited for duhhhh typos =)
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    Unless you are under estimating your food, or over estimating your exercise... yes, you should.

    ** I hope you don't take this as mean because it is not meant to be because it is obvious you are a nice person (Seeing your posts most days) BUT

    Actually it was just to make a point because I simply don't eat back calories burned because I see it as eating back the fat you just worked your butt off burning.

    I see it as in the 3 days of the last 119 days where I sent over, it kept me from being over in calories....... The other 116 days I have stuck within my calorie goals. I do log in absolutely everything and weigh and measure everything.

    Have a great day :)
  • JayWalk39
    JayWalk39 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    To burn 1,540 calories working out you would have to workout at LEAST 2+ hours of VERY high intensity! 1,540 calories a day is the equivalent of running a 1/2 marathon each and every day (running at around 6mph). Or as another example...a typical Insanity Max Interval session would burn about 800 calories (and that is a high estimate). That would mean that you are doing DOUBLE Insanity Max workouts each day. You must LOVE to workout.

    Your calculations are WAY off.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Give it a try. I say that mostly because you're nursing and you need more fuel right now. Definitely. But also because it works.
    However, keep in mind that some people who do the TDEE-20% method lose inches rather than pounds. With that in mind I have a few pieces of advice. 1)Take your measurements. 2)Lift weights 3)Forget about the scale for at least a month. 4)Reassess after a month. Give it at least that amount of time because when you increase calories or start a new exercise program you may put on a few pounds of water weight. Emphasis on water weight. If you are eating a calorie deficit these pounds cannot be real weight/fat gain so don't let it mess with your head.

    I'm not really sure what my TDEE is. It varies a lot. Some days I'm quite active and some days I'm sedentary. I just know that I feel like hell on 1200 calories and don't lose weight. I'm still hungry at 1500-1600. I'm comfortable around 1700-1800 and sometimes up to 1850. I'm 5'4" 172 lbs. I lift weights three times a week. Moderate weight, not heavy. And I'm shrinking and not just becoming skinny fat. I'm gonna keep doing what's working for me.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    Unless you are under estimating your food, or over estimating your exercise... yes, you should.

    ** I hope you don't take this as mean because it is not meant to be because it is obvious you are a nice person (Seeing your posts most days) BUT

    Actually it was just to make a point because I simply don't eat back calories burned because I see it as eating back the fat you just worked your butt off burning.

    I see it as in the 3 days of the last 119 days where I sent over, it kept me from being over in calories....... The other 116 days I have stuck within my calorie goals. I do log in absolutely everything and weigh and measure everything.

    Have a great day :)

    If that's the way you feel about it, you probably should use the TDEE method because the weight loss deficit is already built in to your MFP calorie allotment... that's why it's only giving you 1375... that's with what? A 1000 calorie deficit already? I'm not saying people can't lose on a much higher deficit, obviously they do... and you have been successful doing it so far. I'm just saying it's extremely difficult to maintain and it's more likely to be gained back once you reach your goal weight and switch to maintenance. And for some, it's likely that they will end up losing muscle mass eating too little and end up at a higher body fat % than they want.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    Unless you are under estimating your food, or over estimating your exercise... yes, you should.

    ** I hope you don't take this as mean because it is not meant to be because it is obvious you are a nice person (Seeing your posts most days) BUT

    Actually it was just to make a point because I simply don't eat back calories burned because I see it as eating back the fat you just worked your butt off burning.

    I see it as in the 3 days of the last 119 days where I sent over, it kept me from being over in calories....... The other 116 days I have stuck within my calorie goals. I do log in absolutely everything and weigh and measure everything.

    Have a great day :)

  • Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    31 Yrs old
    5 ' 7; 174 lbs
    exercise 300 squats 5 x's a week
    Spin bike: 15-20 mins 3 times a week
    weights: 2 x's per week
    Jillian Michaels: 30 day shred 4 x's a week
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    I highly doubt you've burned that much. Your body needs to be adequately fuelled to work properly, and that includes burning fat and building muscle. If you're not fuelling your body adequately, its efficiency will suffer.
  • OP, you mention that you're still nursing. Are you logging/adding the extra calories that your body needs for that?

  • JayWalk39
    JayWalk39 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, MFP gives you 1200 calories BUT your suppose to eat back your exercise calories!!

    We need more info. Age, weight, height and what kind of exercises do you do?

    I know people say that but tell me, am I really supposed to eat back the 1,540 exercise calories I have burned from today so far when I am on a 1,375 calorie goal?

    To burn 1,540 calories working out you would have to workout at LEAST 2+ hours of VERY high intensity! 1,540 calories a day is the equivalent of running a 1/2 marathon each and every day (running at around 6mph). Or as another example...a typical Insanity Max Interval session would burn about 800 calories (and that is a high estimate). That would mean that you are doing DOUBLE Insanity Max workouts each day. You must LOVE to workout.

    Your calculations are WAY off.

    Ps. Just noticed you said "burned from today so far". So you plan on working out even more??????
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    FOR ME, I have chosen to make the simple (because it is)......

    I must burn 3,500 calories more than I consume to lose each pound and the greater the distance between consuming and burning calories, the more I lose.

    That I have done 68 times which resulted in my losing 68 lbs. I have heard of the TDEE (ways to justify eating more and still be on a diet), the "eat more to lose more? and many more which you have heard of as well.

    I must burn 3,500 calories more than I consume to lose each pound and the greater the distance between consuming and burning calories, the more I lose..

    I'm confused.
    Are you on the "eat very little, exercise a lot" program?

    Nothing to be confused about really. I chose my calorie level and that is what I consume. Exercise, to me, is simply to increase weight loss........ 68 lbs in 87 days