60 +. Trying again.

Ckeeps Posts: 10 Member
Hi. Just starting what seems like my millionth time to get fit. Using low carb and walking to get to my goal. I'm 203 now, and 160 is where I want to go. And stay. We winter in Florida, and a swimsuit is NOT a good look for me right now! Anyway, hi!


  • fionaswan2198
    fionaswan2198 Posts: 5 Member
    You will get there I am in same boat and I am going to go for it too
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Good on ya' for starting again. Been down that road myself. I'm 63. Started a serious fitness program in March. Have dropped 40 so far. 35 or so to go. I find a lot of motivation on this forum.
  • Ckeeps
    Ckeeps Posts: 10 Member
    Well, now I feel like I'm in good company! Hoping my doctor's visit today shows nice stuff on the scale and in my bloodwork results. Goal 1, make my doctor happy.
  • donnaraeart
    donnaraeart Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, nice to see a few more wizened souls here! The last decade took its toll, menopause and family heartaches are my demons. But I am a fighter and frankly sick of watching my body do what it wants!! Taking back control, starting with weights and calorie counting. Ran a marathon in 2008, all downhill since then!!!!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I’m restarting my program again but I’m taking it slow this time. I’m 65 and not giving up!
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    You can do this! I’m 61. Weighed 206 in July 2015. Have maintained almost two years at 150.

    Add me if you’d like. I’m a religious MFP’er!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If you never leave, you don't have to come back.
  • joann2452
    joann2452 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 65 years old and have only been able to maintain weight using MFP but I guess that's better than gaining. I can't seem to get motivated to exercise consistently but when I do exercise I gain weight then get discouraged and quit. How do you get motivated to work out? And what do you do?
  • mcurley1955
    mcurley1955 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi New to MFP I'm 62 and down from 315 to 280 it's a success story, however my calorie intake is 1150 from the start and I have successfully lost 2lbs a week. I track everything I eat and watch portion control. With such a tight caloric deficit you would think I would lose more. I'll take the two but have thoughts that I am soon to hit a wall and will have to drop even lower. Im 6'1 and sedatary-am I worried for nothing as MFP estimated a higher caloric for the same weight loss
    JRSINAZ Posts: 158 Member
    Ive been using MFP off and on for several years. Before that I have used a couple of other trackers too. I climbed back on the wagon August 22nd and I'm down 29 pounds. Getting back to the basics is what worked for me in the past and it is now. I will be 62 in December. My spouse passed away last year but my pitty party is over. Never too late to get fit.
  • anitarankin5904
    anitarankin5904 Posts: 5 Member
    Recently i was introduced to mfp for which I am thankful. I have lost 5 lbs so far with 65 to go. We can do this!!!
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    Ckeeps wrote: »
    Hi. Just starting what seems like my millionth time to get fit. Using low carb and walking to get to my goal. I'm 203 now, and 160 is where I want to go. And stay. We winter in Florida, and a swimsuit is NOT a good look for me right now! Anyway, hi!

    Time to stop trying and to start doing. I am 64 and in the best shape of my life
  • Ckeeps
    Ckeeps Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, people! I'm slowly, slowly moving on the scale. Finally got below 200. Since my experience tells me scales lie to you, I'm relying on my dedication to using MFP, my clothes are loosening, my energy level is up. I'm only weighing every week or so. It's a downer. We joined the Y with our Silver Sneakers benefit, and we walking 2 miles daily. Giving up my wine has been less painful than I thought. And....drumroll, please. Wore my first pair of yoga pants to walk yesterday. Yep, this Grandma is moving on!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    You can do this. I'm 70 and still trying. Been on MFP a long time and 47lbs lost.
    As your profile names suggests it's for keeps. Log everything to start with and you will gradually pick up new tips along the way. Good luck ckeeps
  • ivelisse54
    ivelisse54 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to know if you could share a typical day of your meals... this is my downfall just don’t know what to eat within my calorie level
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    Hello All!! I am 62 - down 40 lbs and I think in the best shape I've ever been. Run 5 miles 4x week and have been taking boxing lessons for the last 6 months which has improved my stamina, balance, reflexes, strength, speed and co-ordination. Age Schmage.....lol