Absolutely Discouraged - Venting



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Agree with everyone above that the comment was inappropriate and you should do your best to let it roll off you.

    Where was your significant other, his child? One of the rules we have in my marriage is that there's no in-law drama because we have each other's backs where parents are concerned. His own child can say things to him that would be harder for you to say.
  • Gracie12311
    Gracie12311 Posts: 44 Member
    I thought my weight loss was going well (I have lost 40 lbs so far). This weekend was Thanksgiving (Canada) and I decided that I would eat a little more (but not overdo it). My FIL commented (on more than one occasion) that I was eating in excess (I ate about 1600 cals. a day). He also told me that I would NEVER get that bikini body back. I SWAIR I feel like I should eat 600 cals. a day now. I have always struggled with eating disorders (too little or excess), and now those self deprecating feelings are back. I'm NEVER eating in his presence again. I don't care if I STARVE!

    If he has made comments like that before (creepy, body related, totally inappropriate), I wouldn’t be around him in the first place. I’d make sure our interactions were very limited, or his son was front and center. Shielding me from those comments. Otherwise the creepy old guy can stick it. Those comments weren’t nice, they were rude and hurtful. It wasn’t like he was being funny or trying to be helpful.

    I don’t feel any obligation or need to spend time or put up with that from inlaws. My inlaws are fine but if it got creepy, I’d feel absolutely no need to be a part of that.
  • MelissaMAuclair
    MelissaMAuclair Posts: 11 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    Agree 100%. Your FIL commenting on your "bikini body" is very creepy. Even creepier if he wasn't drinking.

    I've been maintaining a long time. I very rarely discuss weight loss with anyone. Just leads to nonsense like you're talking about.

    Indeed! Lesson learned. My weight loss is not my families business!
  • megbrewerr
    megbrewerr Posts: 25 Member
    40 pounds is an amazing feat! And so is eating 1600 cal/day while having personal struggle with ED! You should only be proud of yourself and know that some ignorant guy can't take it from you! I would also personally nudge my significant other and expect some backup from a comment like that