had and unhealthy loss.. need help!

so since last week my tonsils were pretty much swollen(they looked disgusting and i tried to show them to everyone), so it was painful to eat, drink, or even swollow spit. so i would try to eat but it was so painfull that i would stop. half the time i just felt like i was starving myself... and i was basically... anyway to just give more of an idea, on thursday morning i weighed in at 170 and by saturdat night (2 days later) i weighed in at 163. and believe me this is no scale error i pretty much was measured on 4 different scales these last two days, 2 of them being at clinics.
so anyway i was wonder what do i do now. So my hope for tomorrow is to be able to eat like a normal human being and i have plans to eat alot of watermelon, grapes, stawbwerries, frozen sorbet and drink water (things that i really wanted to eat but it was just painful)
So overall i was wondering, when i am able to eat normal again, do i jump back in on my 1450 cals a day or should i add more calories to try and gain back a few of those pounds. or will my body naturally go back to a healthy routine if i start with the 1450?


  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Sorry to hear you were so sick. That weight is lost, whether it was an ideal situation or not. Tomorrow, or when you are able to eat normal, just get back to what you know is healthy. Just the same as having a bad eating day, next day get back where ya belong.
    Hope you continue to feel better, I still have my tonsils too and it really sucks sometimes!