Am I doing too much cardio???

Hi all, please can someone point me the right direction as to how much exercise should I really be doing? I started new exercise regime 4 months ago. Until then I was pretty hopeless, never lazy, just never enjoyed exercise, so never done it apart from the odd spinning class :) anyway, I started with 30 day shred about 4 months ago ( hated every minute of it ) loved the results so I carried on. Now 4 months on my exercises routine is:
Running 4 km 4x a week
"You are your own gym" strength 3x times a week
Abs exercises 3x a week
I also have a multi-gym at home which I use 2-3 times a week for about 30 min. Pull up bar which I only really use for leg raises and I do 20 a day.
I walk about 8-12 km 4x a week at faster pace.
My troubled area is my lower tummy, but I d really like to strengthen my whole body, build some muscle and get rid of flabby bits. I am terribly greedy with sweets, I really try to limit myself but I really enjoy few biscuits and a cuppa in the evening. I watch my calories intake and have relatively healthy diet, apart from the occasional treat .
So wanted to ask, am I ok carrying on? Am I overdoing it, I still have at least one rest day a week, where I would only do very light activity, perhaps a walk. But nothing crazy.
Thank you


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Looks fine to me.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I don't think you're overdoing it physically but the walking 8km-12km 4 times per week isn't terribly necessary (assuming it's a dedicated exercise and not something you'd do anyway). At the very least, you can probably not double up and skip running and walking on the same day.

    In fact, if you were to gradually increase 2 or 3 of your runs to 5K, you could probably eliminate at least one of your walking sessions per week and get roughly the same calorie burn benefits. It might save an hour or two per week. If you increase all of your runs to 5k, then I would just drop the walking altogether. You'll pick up a ton of time per week and I don't think you'd really miss any benefits.

    That said, if you like your routine and don't mind spending the time doing it, then keep doing what you're doing.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If your body doesn't complain, and you like the activity, and you are accomplishing your goals, suit yourself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi all, please can someone point me the right direction as to how much exercise should I really be doing? I started new exercise regime 4 months ago. Until then I was pretty hopeless, never lazy, just never enjoyed exercise, so never done it apart from the odd spinning class :) anyway, I started with 30 day shred about 4 months ago ( hated every minute of it ) loved the results so I carried on. Now 4 months on my exercises routine is:
    Running 4 km 4x a week
    "You are your own gym" strength 3x times a week
    Abs exercises 3x a week
    I also have a multi-gym at home which I use 2-3 times a week for about 30 min. Pull up bar which I only really use for leg raises and I do 20 a day.
    I walk about 8-12 km 4x a week at faster pace.
    My troubled area is my lower tummy, but I d really like to strengthen my whole body, build some muscle and get rid of flabby bits. I am terribly greedy with sweets, I really try to limit myself but I really enjoy few biscuits and a cuppa in the evening. I watch my calories intake and have relatively healthy diet, apart from the occasional treat .
    So wanted to ask, am I ok carrying on? Am I overdoing it, I still have at least one rest day a week, where I would only do very light activity, perhaps a walk. But nothing crazy.
    Thank you

    Really, this is where some more specific fitness goals should come into play...nobody can tell you how much exercise you should be doing because how much exercise one should be doing is really dependent on what they're trying to achieve from a fitness standpoint...your exercise isn't really going to dictate your weight loss, nor can you spot reduce fat with particular movements which is what it seem you're trying to do with all of the ab work...personally, I'd spend my time elsewhere.

    I cycle around 50+ miles per week and lift 1-2x per week...3x per week in the winter and I bring my cycling down a bit. That's pretty much it other than a trip to the climbing gym a couple times per month or a hike here and there and a short morning walk with my dog a few days per week.

    I keep my mileage around 50-60 per week as this is sufficient for me to maintain a solid cycling base for when I want to ramp up and train for an endurance event...I like it because it's a good amount of cardiovascular activity without it being my life...I have lots of other interests as well as family, balance is key.

    I lift more in the winter since it's the off-season for cycling and the gym is heated...I still ride on nicer days and get on my indoor trainer a few days per week to maintain some base there.
  • hopleyjana2049
    hopleyjana2049 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all for your comments :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Volume-wise, I think you are fine. I am not sure how you are spacing your workouts, but my only comment would be to make sure you are giving your muscles adequate time for recovery by alternating which group of muscles you work each day or doing all of your strength training one day with a complete rest the next.
  • Heatherthecyclist
    Heatherthecyclist Posts: 41 Member
    You just have to listen to what your body says is overdoing it- looks fine to me. I cycle 500k a week and run about 60k a week
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    If you don't enjoy the exercise your doing why not find one that you do enjoy?
    Swimming is a good all round exercise, martial arts is awesome, gym classes are an easy hour the instructor distracts you.
    You are not doing too much, in Thailand they do 6hrs a day 6 days a week when they are muay thai fighters.
    The human body is good at adjusting to what you throw at it.
    I do about 7hrs muay thai and about 3-4 weight sessions a week I still fit in many hours in the garden etc no problem. The trick is finding exercise you look forward too so it is not a chore but enjoyable.
  • hopleyjana2049
    hopleyjana2049 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow you guys are awesome :) I always hear, you are doing too much cardio, so you start to wonder, especially someone like me, who doesn't have a clue and only just getting used to working out. I most definatelly carry on, I enjoy my current routine, so I ll stick with it and perhaps start adding to it as my body gets used to it. Thank you all for your comments.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think the big guiding question is: What are your goals?

    When you know what you want out of your workout you make plans based on that.

    There is no right or wrong answer. One person wants to run a 5K while another wants to walk a mile. One person wants to run a Spartan race while another wants to be able to snorkel on vacation.
  • davidgruninger
    davidgruninger Posts: 5 Member
    Something that helps with belly fat is interval training. So instead of just jogging you change things up occasionally and do some sprints. If you spike your heart rate a few times in a workout you will release hormones that will help with burning belly fat.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Would you like to take your new body on a test run, say, by competing in a race?