muscle pain & spasms - do you work out anyway?

kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
So today is Tuesday, and I've been trying to work out on Tuesdays because I don't have class or any other responsibilities. But my leg is still much too sore.

Last Tuesday I pushed myself a bit on the stationary bike - L5 for 30min. I may have overdone it. But I stretched and was careful, and thought I was fine because it was a little sore on Wednesday but completely manageable. I went to yoga and stretched it out more - and I wonder if I maybe pushed the muscle too hard stretching. I am not sure.

Thursday morning around 5am I woke up in agonizing pain and I couldn't put weight on my leg because my calf/ankle was spasming. I had an epsom salt bath and took Advil, and it helped a bit. It continued to hurt a lot through Friday, and I stayed home and didn't do much. I did so for the rest of the weekend.

Now, it doesn't hurt when I am just sitting around, but if I walk or stand it complains. I was slowly limping/standing in a museum for about an hour yesterday and found myself unable to walk without excruciating pain for about a half hour after. I couldn't walk two blocks and had to rest before moving to the next thing.

This told me I maybe wasn't ready to get back on the stationary bike or go for a walk, or try swimming again because I've been away from that for a few months and wanted to try to get back to it. I am still limping. I called to make a doctor's appointment, but now I'm fearing that I'm being over sensitive, and I should have just gone swimming or done something else at the gym to keep my Tuesday plans. Maybe it's stupid and I should cancel.

Do you work out if you are still sore or in pain? How do you know if soreness is serious or something to push past? Would you go to the doctor for this?


  • jennydelgado09
    jennydelgado09 Posts: 119 Member
    If I'm just sore I will workout.

    If I'm in pain I will workout but in a way that doesn't cause more pain. Awhile back I had pain in my leg and couldn't run or even jog. I couldn't really stretch it out either. Tried to stretch and grab a pull up bar and ended up on the floor after sceaming in pain...

    So I didn't do that again. I did what I could and substituted what I couldn't with something else.

    But you sound like you're in a lot of pain. So either take a break or focus on something else. Swimming sounds like it would be good as long as you focus more on upper body.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    If I'm just sore I will workout.

    If I'm in pain I will workout but in a way that doesn't cause more pain. Awhile back I had pain in my leg and couldn't run or even jog. I couldn't really stretch it out either. Tried to stretch and grab a pull up bar and ended up on the floor after sceaming in pain...

    So I didn't do that again. I did what I could and substituted what I couldn't with something else.

    But you sound like you're in a lot of pain. So either take a break or focus on something else. Swimming sounds like it would be good as long as you focus more on upper body.

    Thank you!