Going to a wedding for the weekend - HELP!



  • kat_lifts
    kat_lifts Posts: 56
    1) Just watch your portions.

    2) Pile up on veggies and fruits, and drink lots of water.

    3) take a couple bites of sweet stuff just to satisfy any cravings.if you over indulge, don't forget protein.

    4) dance the night away! (And the calories!)

    5) so you've had a "bad food day", it was a wedding! Next day just GET BACK into it! Work a little harder in the gym and lay off some off the not so good stuff!

    6) bonus: drink a tbs (or less) of apple cider vinegar mixed with water, lemon juice and honey.... And chug in the morning or before a not so nutritious meal.

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I am going to a wedding this weekend as well, and I am looking at it as a way to practice "normal person eating".

    In the past my deit mentality self would have been like "woo hoo, I'm gonna eat/drink till I puke".

    Now when these events come up I say, I'm going to relax and enjoy myself, but I'm not gonna overreat. I'll eat light during the day knowing a big meal is coming up, and I'll have a reasonable portion of dinner and enjoy some cake and get back it on Sunday. It's a learned skill but I'm getting better. Even if you overreat a little, its not going to undo all of your progress. Just get back it and you'll be fine.
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