Finding the strength to succeed after life changing losses!

Hi there fellow My Fitness Pal peeps! I'm back to MFP and ready to make the commitment to my large goal of losing over 150 lbs! These last few months have been the hardest time of my life...I lost my brother to a hemorrhagic stroke 3 months ago at a young age of 39. Being only 5 yrs older than me, it really was a wake up call to get my health in order since his death was totally preventable (caused from years of unhealthy choices and high BP). When I was ready as ever to turn my life around health wise, my fiancé of 8 years unexpectedly told me he was unhappy and left me 2 weeks after my brother died. :'( You can imagine how that might turn anyone to excessive eating (and crying) and eating (and crying) some more...But I have used these losses to finally change my life and start on the road to getting healthy and happy. I'm down 20 lbs so far! This app can really be such an amazing tool if you dedicate and use it daily. Would love to find some positive supportive "cyber" friends! If you're looking for support and encouragement, then let's DO this and end up being our own success stories! ♡♡ ~Misty
