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Childhood obesity



  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Here, in Brazil, we had a huge increase of obesity, especially in childs. Children don´t do exercise and spend all day long playing games on internet or tablets..

    Also the change in diet. In some parts of Brazil, since there was an increase in income, some poor and lower middle class people started to buy more processed foods as it was seen as "status" to eat cookies and junk food as opposed to rice and beans, fruit and vegetables. There is a good documentary about childhood obesity in Brazil. I have watched it a couple of times, it's so good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UGe5GiHCT4
    (It's in Portuguese, don't know if there is one with an English translation).
  • czmiles926
    czmiles926 Posts: 130 Member
    Both my parents are overweight but me and my sister were very thin/underweight during childhood. I often wonder if we should have eaten more growing up but it's hard to tell. We always had home cooked meals with lots of veg but I remember wanting seconds a lot but sometimes there wouldn't be anymore seconds.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    I remember this really fat kid in my high school who sat at my lunch table.

    He would eat tons of cafeteria french fries and pizza and things like that everyday.

    You only need to gain an extra 5 lbs. to 10lbs a year and after a few years you are very fat.

    It doesn't happen overnight when you get fat but everybody expects that the problem can be corrected overnight.