
Hi, I've been using MFP for about a month, but have been working on losing weight since about January. I relocated to SF from Chicago to take a new job, and my weight, which was already not great, shot up 15 lbs in a couple of months. I've tried various eating plans, but none were working very well (despite calorie reduction), until I eliminated most grains and dairy (in parallel, a perceptive doctor decided that I should be tested for gluten sensitivity and dairy sensitivity, and I was diagnosed as both gluten sensitive and allergic to casein...rats), and reduced my carbs. I've lost about 32 lbs, but I'm aiming to lose another 5-10 lbs. I can't find my real before pic - a technical glitch somewhere (I swear)! Anyway, looking for inspiration and advice here.

Oh yeah, by day I'm a biotech patent attorney. By night I play viola and violin in some community orchestras, and some piano. Have a great partner of 19 years, and a wonderful son just about to graduate college and enter the Air Force through ROTC.h7ynuzqzo6io.jpg


  • kaylacoffman2016
    kaylacoffman2016 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Kayla. I’m a mother to a wonderful little boy and I work as a caregiver in the Northern Chicago Suburbs. I’ve had issues losing weight since my pregnancy but am eager to get to my goal weight! You can add me if you like.