beachbody or other workouts suggestions



  • j3an22
    j3an22 Posts: 77
    Thanks all great tips and i have looked at beach body les mills combat to see what it is.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Turbo Jam and Slim in 6 are both great programs for beginners wanting to do a program through beachbody

    Slim in 6 is great ....... Turbo Jam (ugh) ..... but that's just me.... many people like it.

    What's nice is that these programs are older and you can buy some of the DVDs on Amazon at reasonable prices. That way if they are not quite what you are looking for .... you're not out a ton of money.

    I really like these 2 websites for DVD reviews & video clips ..... the great thing, they tell you if it's high impact, if you need equipment, fitness level, etc.

    Don't buy too many beginner DVDs .... you'll soon grow out of them. For cardio (beginner thru intermediate) .... I like Leslie Sansone Walk at Home. These you can do at your own pace ..... or bump it up with weights, bigger arms, plyo moves (high impact) .... these will grow with you .... for awhile

    ...... OR this Kelly Coffey Meyer is a good starter:

    Your local library should have DVDs ......Netflix by mail has tons of DVDs ..... lots of sources.