Wanting to try out some fitness classes but...



  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Spinning class is excellent for all fitness levels since you get to control your own resistance....and no one knows but you how much drag you have on your bike. I love love love spin classes and since you've been biking in the 'real world' your butt might not be sore afterwards either! LOL

    Just go and have fun. The worst that could happen is you don't like the class. :)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I go to the Y and there are people of every shape and age there.
    I think with the deal of free classes there will be other newbies there, so you wouldn't be the only one.
    The instructors understand this and will work to help you feel comfortable and safe.
    The key is to keep going so you get the hang of the class and get to know the instructors and other members.
    I am naturally more of an introvert and for years I did the machines by myself.
    Taking classes was the best thing I ever did.
    I now have several friends, am motivated and have tons if fun.
    Go for it!! :happy:
  • oOxXxOo
    oOxXxOo Posts: 75 Member
    I have a gym membership and I too have been wondering whether or not to attend, not having much confidence, but still interested enough to really want to try. I stuck my head in on a zumba class last night, and there were all types and it looked super fun. Its good to push yourself occasionally, it helps with the confidence :D
  • weezbagy
    weezbagy Posts: 40 Member
    Most people will be there by themselves AND at the YMCA people are down to earth for the most part and of different weight ranges. This is just my experience from belonging to several different YMCA's across the country.

    Just chiming in to agree with this ^^

    I joined the YMCA last month after giving up my old gym membership and I can't get over how warm and welcoming the environment is. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and I'm often struck by how "regular" everyone is. All body types, all ages, all abilities.
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    I was in the same spot as you! I was terrirfied to go! But I finally went and I love it! I do classes 5 days a week and to my surprise I was not the biggest one there except in one class, and no one looked at weird in that class they are so supportive! You will be fine! Face you fear and go! :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm like this with lifting :( I want to do it, have read a bijillion articles on it but just too intimidated to start...

    gotta suck it up and get moving...

    Oh, but classes are SO MUCH FUN!!! you should definitely check them out if they're free!!
  • lolalament
    lolalament Posts: 73 Member
    I've been to two different pilates classes on my own now, and it's been fine. Yes, I'm the biggest one there and I can't do most of it, but everyone is too focussed on what they're doing to care.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    All I was thinking of when I joined my gym was being a healthier me...:)

    You're going to see all kinds of people from serious fitness buffs to social club gym goers to people just like you.

    I've made tons of friends and most importantly if I do something wrong I laugh at myself instead of being embarrassed. Expect to ask questions, talk to the people around you and the instructors and you'll do great!

    Good luck and have a blast...:)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You definitely should go. You will make friends there.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I do cycling/spinning on my rest days and love it. Lots of hot chicks :p and a great workout. Helps keep me in tip top shape and helps with the muscle confusion.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I can actually empathize with being nervous about attending classes (and lifting, for that matter). I am an introvert by nature, and so being in a room full of people makes me nervous in general. On top of that, to be in a room of other people while I'm sweating and my arms and legs flying all over the place? What if I fart? Or my shorts fall down?

    But I like to think of it as not only a challenge to my fitness, but also a challenge to overcoming my fears. Find one that intrigues you and looks like fun, and hopefully the fears will go away within 10 minutes of the class starting!
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    I used to be afraid to go alone too, but now I love it! I go to Zumba, TurboKick, and Muscle class all the time, and it is so much fun! The hour goes by before you know it. Also, don't worry about the other people. Most of them are too concerned about themselves to look at you. The classes I attend have people of all shapes and sizes! Go for it, and I'm sure you will be glad you did.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I can actually empathize with being nervous about attending classes (and lifting, for that matter). I am an introvert by nature, and so being in a room full of people makes me nervous in general. On top of that, to be in a room of other people while I'm sweating and my arms and legs flying all over the place? What if I fart? Or my shorts fall down?

    But I like to think of it as not only a challenge to my fitness, but also a challenge to overcoming my fears. Find one that intrigues you and looks like fun, and hopefully the fears will go away within 10 minutes of the class starting!


    I've fallen on my butt a couple times in BodyStep and I'm not the only one.
    You just back up, laugh at yourself and pay better attention to where your feet are the rest if the class :blushing: