Ontario, Canada

Good morning!
I have tried this before.. then gave up. & here I am again.. As my weight creeps up on #'s I have only ever seen through my pregnancy days.. Its the truth, I need a "healthy lifestyle change".. This time around I am trying the keto diet, its the only lifestyle change that would allow me my cheese ❤ lol ..anyway might wonder why this app then, I really like this counter over others, my numbers are a lil different tho.. Hopin to achieve goals & sendin postive vibes to all you beautiful ppl as well ✌


    PALMINADALESSANDRO Posts: 192 Member
    I have heard about the Keto diet from many...I am too addicted to my carbs tho lol . I find this app to be the best and I am losing weight from pregnancy slowly but surely :)
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    Reaching out to a fellow Canuck here to support