Started MFP in late July, finally feel like I've a tool that will work for me longterm.

Hi, I'm looking for more mfp friends!
I've lost 40 lbs, roughly 30 of those since starting MFP, but I've a 80 to 100 to go....

MFP works for me because in the past I would lose weight and get stricter and stricter with my eating to the point where I was severely undereating to probably 600 cal or so. Then of course I would rebound because my body was starving and would rebound and fail. Love mfp for making food tracking so easy, and I can actually eat a balanced diet and lose weight sanely.

Feel free to add me as a friend, I log in daily and give and get motivation from my friends.


  • msmith404040
    msmith404040 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello! I started in July as well and have happily lost 25 pounds since then. It's working great.

    I'm glad you found something that works for you, too! Terrific!

    I'll add you as a friend. I log in daily as well to pre-log my food and log in my weight and check in on my friends. I've got around 50 more to lose.