
Need keto friends! I just started this last week. I could use the friends and motivation!


  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    Check this out or do a search in the message board.

    Keto Group

    For people living and tracking the Ketogenic Lifestyle. Let's track together!
    Owner: DigiduckyLeaders: Digiducky Created on April 20, 2017 179 members
  • smashthebutter
    smashthebutter Posts: 17 Member
    I’ve been doing keto for about 90 days and am in love with it, it is a game changer for me. I’m down 43 pounds over the last 10 months, down 30 since starting keto. Friend me to exchange ideas & support!
  • JayneesGotAGut
    JayneesGotAGut Posts: 25 Member
    I would love more keto friends to encourage and share diaries, as well. Please add!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out although it is not the only LCHF themed group in MFP: