newbie from Ireland

ok so ive a stupid question...."maintenance" that staying within your calorie goals mine is 1260 i cant really manage to enjoy my food if i do.
so i eat into most of my exercise extra calories...which i do more cardio if i'm going out for lunch etc.

i just presume when i'm under my calorie goal that im not doing it right or in a healthy way??


  • HeartbeccaCA
    HeartbeccaCA Posts: 17 Member
    First of all - No question is stupid. :-) We are all at a different level of knowledge and experience and that is OK. Thats why we need each other fro support!

    Here is my take on how to answer your question -

    First you must answer this question: What is my desired outcome?
    Next question: Is what I am doing moving me toward that desired outcome?
    Next question: If yes, am I using this tool effectively and is it helpful to achieving my desired outcome? If no, what do I need to do to move in the direction of my desired outcome?

    I think we often forget this is not about what anyone else thinks we shoudl accomplish - it is only what each one of us wants to accomplishand that may be different fro everyone. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing.
    So is hitting your goal and exercising away the extra calries helping you achieve what you want to achieve? Then you are doing fine. If not, its time to re-evaluate your efforts and redesign your approach. This is a long term thing, this eating and exercising. We have to do what will work in the long run and for a lifetime.

    For me, "Maintenance" means living every day and not suffering. Which means I eat ice cream and sometimes exericse away my extra calories and sometimes not. Just as long as I am movving toward the goal, I feel successful. I have a LONG way to go. As I said to someone else today - I like to focus on how I feel, not how I look or how much I weigh. If I feel good and have energy, I know I am on the right track nd the rest will eventually come.

    I hope you found this reply helpful.... Welcome and I hope you find this site as helpful as I have! :-)