Starting over and in it for the long haul

So I've been gone awhile. Started and stopped had some great progress and quite literally let myself go. I weighed myself the other day and was at 271. The heaviest I have ever been in my life. My daughters have started the Girl on the run program at school. My oldest did it last year. Needless to say I was 15 pounds lighter and I was her "running" buddy. I didn't run because I couldn't. Also a smoker, so I've decided since both my daughters are running again this fall, the 5k is December 16, it was time to make some changes. I know it's not the healthiest but I'm thinking some low carb for a couple weeks and lots of exercise. My biggest problem is soda and coffee creamer. I love MFP I think it's a great accountability partner but if anyone else would like a cheerleader I'm in it for the long haul, as I have a long way to go! Send me a friend request!!