Not New to MFP, but New to Keto

I've struggled with weightloss and very recently was diagnosed with PCOS. After some research, I've heard that Keto helps deal with the symptoms so I'm giving it a try! Today is day one. Feel free to add me and share recipes to keep me on track. I get distracted easily :( and could use extra motivation!


  • shefly
    shefly Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome to Keto! I'm 3 weeks into my journey and I'm pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to transition over from high carb low fat diet. I owe it all to a website I found that offers great articles, vlogs and recipes. Go to Diet Doctor. Friend me if you want to stay in touch.
    Good Luck!
  • drgnfyre
    drgnfyre Posts: 45 Member
    Keto can be hard to follow at first, but after a few months it becomes easier than any diet you can do imo because the foods are simple. Like bacon and eggs.. the hardest part is the keto flu thing. My advice would be get yourself a magnesium supplement, a potassium supplement, and salt all your food making sure you get the daily recommended amt everyday. This is important for the first few weeks to the first month ish because you will drop a ton of water weight really fast and as you loose the water you can get an electrolyte imbalance which makes people feel like crap. I love keto myself as it's the only time I lost weight and felt really full and not hungry even with restricted cals. Also, I didn't just jump into it, I slowly reduced the amount of carbs over a 2 month period as I learned to cook different foods. I took the time to find things I liked to eat before I committed so I wouldn't feel punished and obligated to eat something I hated. Personally, I love this way of eating.
  • rondavis436
    rondavis436 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome, I would like to give you a couple of resources that has helped me. First is these guys have a YouTube channel. One of the things you're going to find is a lot of Keto recipes are drawn out and complicated. The recipes on Keto Connect are what I call idiot prof. Anybody can make these recipes, the of the ingredients can be found either on Amazon or at Whole Foods, and they are yummy. Also you're going to have a lot of people will have you believe you can only eat Grass Fed Organic meats on Keto that's bull. I've very rarely have bought organic meats. The last organic Meat I've bought was last year.
    Jimmy Moore has several pod casts I would highly recommend, also Doctor Berg on YouTube is a great resource. Doctor Berg's videos are short and to the point, he has some supplements he sells, I've never bought any I just watch his vids, and I have made some of his recipes. Also I don't eat 7 cups of veggies a day, you'll understand once you watch a few of his vids.
    Don't be discouraged you're going to have people tell you Keto is dangerous, it's not. You're going to have purists who going to have you believe you can only eat a certain way, you don't. Keep your net carbs below 20g as day, ditch sugar, learn to read food labels, eat fat and you will be fine. I would highly recommend Jimmy Moore's Book Keto Clarity, and I would also recommend listening to your body.
  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I also have PCOS and started Keto today with some co-workers. I have gained so much weight and heard the same thing about Keto. I'm trying it out to see if it works. I went vegetarian once and I lost a lot of weight. I'll decide in about y months if I want to stop Keto and go back to that (I also live fruit!).
  • Panthers_Nation
    Panthers_Nation Posts: 29 Member
    Add me
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out although it is not the only LCHF themed group in MFP: