Anybody else have trouble with wanting to stuff your face at night??

I want to eat EVERYTHING right now. Struggling and its only day 2. Need someone to get my mind off food..


  • mammacoty
    mammacoty Posts: 45 Member
    I'm going to bed earlier just to stay away from the kitchen!
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    I struggle with this, usually during the end of my cycle but really anytime. Try shifting more of your calories to dinner. Have decaf tea before bed. Save 100-200 calories for a nighttime snack.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I ran into this issue early on as well, and tried the recommendation of relatively evenly dividing my calories between my meals, with the general wisdom being that I wouldn't get so hungry later if I'd eaten enough at earlier meals. This proved absolutely false for me. I don't get very hungry in the morning, but whether I eat then or not, I'll be very hungry in the evening. I consume more than half of my days calories from 6pm-10pm, and lose weight just fine, and it's far more sustainable. You could try spreading them out evenly, or see if it would be easier to borrow those calories from another meal. It's all very individual.

    And it's a myth that carbs will turn to fat. They are converted to glucose, some of which will be used, and some of which could be stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen for later use. It could only be stored as fat if you consumed more carbs than your body had the capacity to store as glycogen.
  • erika_307
    erika_307 Posts: 82 Member
    I was like this all of my life until I started eating a low carb/ high fat diet. Now... I find that I am hungrier in the mornings, and rarely want to eat in the evenings. Sometimes, I’m even turned off by the thought of eating at night.
  • pknopf57
    pknopf57 Posts: 10 Member
    I want to eat EVERYTHING right now. Struggling and its only day 2. Need someone to get my mind off food..

    The night is also very hard for me. I can be fine all day until the evening then its like I can't get enough food. Not exactly sure why but I think part of it really is habit. Its when I have always eaten and its been more than difficult to try and change.

    I have been successful in one thing: not eating in bed. May sounds strange but it's my favorite thing. Watch TV and eat.
  • christygirl38
    christygirl38 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been struggling with this but just a few days ago decided to return to intermittent fasting. It's totally eliminated my night time eating! Yahoo! Try 12:8 Eat your first meal at noon, no more eating after 8. Herbal tea is OK if you need something.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    This is my problem too - I love snacking in front of tv at night. Have only been on MFP for about 3 weeks (4kg lost) so I'm still trying to find ways to control it. Some things that help: keeping a quarter of calories for snacks, eating low carb high fat diet cuts my carb cravings, having protein and fat for breakfast, going for a walk in evening to earn extra calories and take mind off food, eating savory snacks instead of sweet, drinking lots of water so I feel fuller. I watch an obesity reality tv show episode almost every day for motivation. It's hard! It's still not a habit so I'm feeling a bit glum today, thinking how long the road ahead is. I hear it eventually all becomes 2nd nature. God, I hope so!!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    I like to snack at night time, so I make sure there's room in my calorie goal for night time snacks.
  • Porshiana
    Porshiana Posts: 20 Member
    Yes! And I found a solution. First drink 16 ounces of water. Then get some old fashioned oats. Not Quick Oats. Old fashioned oats take longer to break down, keeping you full longer. Buy Nestle Nido Kinder powdered milk. It's not formula, it's just milk with a lot of extra vitamins for babies. It's slightly sweet, and is delicious in the oatmeal. The protein, good fats, and potassium in milk helps you to stay full.

    Put 2/3 of a cup of oatmeal and 1 scoop of Nido in a microwavable bowl. Add 1 to 1.5 cups of water. Put it on the microwave in 1 minute increments. Watch the oatmeal, stirring between sessions. When the oatmeal starts to rise up out of the liquid, it's done. It should be runny, that's how you want it. Add salt. Believe it or not the salt brings out the sweet, just like with watermelon. Finish your water before you start eating.

    The entire shebang is 240 calories. That makes me full, but If you're still hungry after 30 minutes, do half the recipe again for a total of 360. If you just can't stand it so bland, you could try Splenda. Brown sugar is just sugar and molasses. (Don't believe me, put a half a teaspoon of molasses in a cup of sugar and mash it with a fork-you'll have brown sugar). So if you add a tiny bit of molasses to your oatmeal with Splenda it'll taste like brown sugar. Use it sparingly. Too much molasses is bitter. I personally like it without. But Splenda is calorie free, and molasses is only 20 calories per teaspoon.

    You might also want to get a free app called "relax and sleep well hypnosis" by divinity publishing. It's amazing! If you use head phones, the sounds are designed to induce delta brain waves, the kind we have when sleeping. This is scientifically proven to work. But it must be stereo head phones. It works by putting a slightly different sound in each ear.

    Good luck.
  • Omg YES !!! I work night shift so the nights I'm off and everyone's in bed and I am tiptoeing around so I don't wake anyone, I just sit on the couch and stuff my face! It's awful!
  • christie4345
    christie4345 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2017
    I have a terrible time from the time I get home from work until I go to bed, I can’t seem to break this habit!
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Drink a glass of water. Get up and move. Tell yourself how much better you will feel in the morning if you manage to get past the urge to eat. Pretty soon the success will show up on the scale and that gives a great incentive to keep going. It is a struggle, and most of us can relate to this. Hang in there!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    First, make sure you're calorie budget is sensible. With 50 lb to lose, a 1200 calorie budget is extreme. Extreme deficits don't work because you don't abide in them. Are you active in your day? Is your activity level set accurately? Are you getting enough fat and protein to have satiety?
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Yep. This is why I practice IF. I can eat all my calories at dinner and then I feel full for the rest of the evening.
  • Johns_Dope_AF
    Johns_Dope_AF Posts: 460 Member
    Yep. This is why I practice IF. I can eat all my calories at dinner and then I feel full for the rest of the evening.

    Life changing for me. I go to bed fat and happy every night while I'm at my leanest ever.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    Yes. That's why I plan my day on my diary in the morning, and I allow for a bedtime snack IF I really want one. It's satisfying most of the time to tell myself no and delete that entry and save those calories. When I do have a snack, it's a couple of clementines or some grapes or a few saltines.
  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    Yes. I usually do great during the day, and then struggle with cravings at night. Some nights I do good and others I give in
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    I want to eat EVERYTHING right now. Struggling and its only day 2. Need someone to get my mind off food..

    I am on day, like, 4? I understand. I have this gnawing stomach constantly, but I think a lot of it is honestly psychosomatic for me. I'm eating between 1800-2000 calories a day, I am by no means starving-- it's an adjustment and an exercise in willpower for me. I try to keep ice water in my hand constantly, and if I'm really truly hungry, I eat. It's such a boredom habit for me, and an anxiety distraction as well-- to just shovel food in my mouth. And it takes repetitive action to break a habit/form a new one.