Supplement Driven Weight loss

Little background on me, I used to be chubby when I was younger but around my teens I got fed up with my mom's constant comments about my weight and decided to lose it. At my lowest prior to having my son I was 118. I achieved this in the most unhealthy manner, through an eating disorder. I don't wanna go into specifics but once I got pregnant I decided to get help for my ED and do better for my child. Fast forward to now and I'm on the other end of the spectrum eating too much. My highest weight was 213 lbs at 5'4.
I decided to take control and start doing better, I wanted some advice and support from my sister who successfully lost most of her pregnancy weight from having twins.
I thought this would be a good idea seeing her results but later came to find out that her diet and exercise advice isn't exactly very sound or logical when I tried putting them into practice myself. I actually ended up gaining weight which was baffling seeing her progress. I thought I was doing something wrong.
I later came to find out that the reason she's lost most of her weight was due to diet pills.
She's been trying to encourage me to take them too, saying they give you energy, curb your appetite and help you lose weight.
I promised myself that this time around though I wanted my weight loss to be different. I've struggled with it for so long that I want to be able to do this naturally so I can maintain easier once the weight is finally gone, she continues to try to convince me and I don't want to seem ungrateful for her help but I'm not sure how to tell her how I feel without seeming like I'm judging her.
Any ideas?


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    You tell her this: "I promised myself that this time around though I wanted my weight loss to be different. I've struggled with it for so long that I want to be able to do this naturally so I can maintain easier once the weight is finally gone."

    I don't know what she's taking but it's probably not healthy so stick to your plan and state it to her simply as fact. Nothing emotional or judgemental. If she still takes it that way, then that's on her, not you.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    To lose weight, I had to become more assertive.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    To lose weight, I had to become more assertive.

    I'll have to do the same as well, it's harder for me because she's my older sister who's always kinda been like a second mom. But I have to stand up for myself with this because I want to do this the right way. Thanks everyone for your replies and advice. I'll talk to her tonight and let you know what she says.