New Again

So I'm not necessarily new, however I'm trying to get back on the horse again. I had twins 18 months ago and now is as good a time as ever to start losing weight and trying to find myself again. I'm looking to lose weight, but also get back to exercising and really just focusing on my mental, physical and emotional health. Everyday I'm tired and yes, part of it is sleep deprivation because I work evenings, but it's also that I've become so sedentary. My body has tons of aches and pains and I'm consistently anxious. I have gotten to a point where I don't know who I am anymore and I need it to change!


  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Hi @Kalynj18 lets be friends!
  • himenaya
    himenaya Posts: 42 Member
    I hear you, girl. I'm a mommy as well. 18 month old and a 7 month old. yeh, I know, insane. XD So I get you. One day at a time. Where can we get that energy we need so badly? lol