Breastfeeding and Daily Intake

How can I tone up without effecting my milk supply? The app recommends that I eat 1700 calories a day, but how does this effect breastfeeding..? I am 5'8, (in a size 8) but I don't know how much I weigh because we have a no scale rule in the house. Does anyone have experience toning up while breastfeeding? Any tips?


  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Put you health (and baby) first. Eat well- healthy food and start taking a walk/run with the stroller or without.
    You don’t have to use a scale- you can have target pants or measure hips/abdomen
    Take it slow since you are doing the best thing you can for your baby, you can always loose weight, let your body heal from the pregnancy.
    Feel free to add me or send me a private message if you want( I don’t always see the forum question, if I am not answering here it’s not because I am rude)
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    Did you add another 500 Calories for breast milk production? (that assumes an exclusively breastfed baby) I've seen multiple breastfeeding moms talk about how limiting calories effects their milk supply, so that should be your 1st priority. How old is baby? Are you completely recovered from childbirth? You can be active, work out, take the baby for walks, etc. and tone up. (assuming you are cleared medically, if not, talk to your doctor about what and when you can be more active) Congratulations on your new bub.
  • Reliata
    Reliata Posts: 37 Member
    I found this super helpful link about breastfeeding and weight loss:

    Also, I think La Leche League recommends not going below 1800 calories if you are breastfeeding.