Moved back to America &gained 15lbs in a month?!

seedrah6 Posts: 56 Member
Hi all! I’m in complete shock as I’ve just moved back and haven’t even changed my diet yet gained this weight. It’s the biggest I’ve ever been and I usually don’t gain weight easily! Anyway I’ve been on the app for 4 days and doing well. I’m just confused as to why this happened. I have been really stressed and sad and haven’t slept well so maybe that’s it? I’m not adjusting well to living here again. Going to doctors to get checked out but 15lbs is a bit ridiculous! Any help is appreciated


  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    maybe the ingredients have changed even if the meal is the same. What I mean is, maybe there is more fat or sugar in a product there than where you were before. Coupled with less activity and stress of moving that could all go towards a weight gain.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    When my sil move to the US she gain about 15 pounds. Even though she wasn't eating more food it was high calories. She was use to a mostly fish, rice, and veggie diet. They lived with us for awhile and she has much more higher calorie food than before. That and she no longer walked every where. Relook at your calories.
  • seedrah6
    seedrah6 Posts: 56 Member
    gaining weight with the supposed same diet is a sure sign your diet did change.. however unless you were consuming 1750 extra calories above maintenance for an entire 30 day period, my guess is your weight was creeping up long before and it just took some time before you started to actually notice it.

    I just realised the last time I was in the US for Christmas for longer than a month and I didn’t gain weight even though I was eating more...I think this time because I’m under so much stress and not sleeping that has got to me. At the doctors to get a good opinion, but I def don’t eat a lot and right now on a 1200 goal which I’m hitting everyday :)
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Also were there a ton of going away and welcome home parties?
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Just a thought...but are you using a different scale?

  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Are you measuring and weighing everything you eat and drink? Could there be confusion over portion sizes re: different measurement systems in the two countries?
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    I lived in Europe and Asia for a period about 10 years ago, and when I came back to the Midwest, I gained 15-20 lbs. It was caused by huge portions, such easy access to cheap food all the time, and mostly by much lower activity.

    I've lost a bit of that weight, but what I found is there's pressure to eat in the US. They say I'm already skinny, but really my BMI is just over the line into overweight. Seems like the baseline for normal has moved toward overweight.
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    seedrah6 wrote: »
    gaining weight with the supposed same diet is a sure sign your diet did change.. however unless you were consuming 1750 extra calories above maintenance for an entire 30 day period, my guess is your weight was creeping up long before and it just took some time before you started to actually notice it.

    I just realised the last time I was in the US for Christmas for longer than a month and I didn’t gain weight even though I was eating more...I think this time because I’m under so much stress and not sleeping that has got to me. At the doctors to get a good opinion, but I def don’t eat a lot and right now on a 1200 goal which I’m hitting everyday :)

    If I'm honest I associate the US with over eating. I was there for 5 months earlier in the year and when I ordered out I'd ask for half on my plate, the other half to go. The waitress would look at me like I had two heads :)

    Like @TanyaHooton says its the huge portion sizes. Because I made an effort not to get into the American portions I actually lost a few pounds which everyone was amazed by, when I got back to Europe. Typically the opposite is true.

    Stress can go both ways a)You don't eat enough or b) You eat like a pig - I've had huge amounts of stress for 12 months and if I'm honest at times I didn't understand why my body weight stayed the same. Although my weight does fluctuate.

    Are you exercising at all? I didn't notice you mentioned that. Whenever someone says to me 'Oh I'm doing everything as I should be' I always think hmm are they? Are they really?

    Do you eat out more than at home? Do you cook your own meals? Do you weigh everything and I mean everything? Do you snack at work? The workplace is a *kitten* for putting on pounds.... Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? I could go on and on, but review everything you are doing.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    How are your clothes fitting?
  • seedrah6
    seedrah6 Posts: 56 Member
    Wow I don’t know how to reply to everyone! Thank you for the replies. So while I was abroad I was eating whatever and I was totally fine. I usually don’t eat very much, I should’ve pointed out it’s a bad habit and I don’t stress eat. Since I’ve been back I’ve barely ate out and honestly have been taking it rough so I’ve stayed home a lot and eaten homemade meals.

    I did see my doctor and she’s running my blood work. Though when I was here in December 2016 I had gone in and my weight was about 18lbs less. I think then I was eating more and excited about the holidays so it’s really peculiar why I gained weight now.

    I would like to point out I’m also going through a breakup (still not stress eating) but stressing...jeez heartbreak can really suck! I guess even physically. I don’t drink either. I hope all the tests come back fine. Thanks for the help!! x
  • seedrah6
    seedrah6 Posts: 56 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    How are your clothes fitting?

    My profile photo is me now a few days ago. Oddly enough gained around belly which NEVER happens swear I was lucky lol

  • seedrah6
    seedrah6 Posts: 56 Member
    ecsumaria wrote: »
    There are so many food additives in the US that are banned in Europe.. not to say that accounts for 17 lbs but its true and scary as well...

    I KNOW!! Honestly I could actually finish my food there while in the US I can never finish my food! And everyone makes fun of me but honestly it’s so much!