Last fitting for wedding dress need to maintain for 3 weeks

I get married November 11th in 6 months I have lost 67 lbs and 47.75”. But now I have to maintain, are MFP maintain calories accurate? Please help my dress needs to fit perfect! Can’t wait to continue losing after the wedding!


  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited October 2017
    If you have accurate calorie intake, actual weight loss and exercise burn data for your 6 months, you can get a pretty good estimate of your NEAT and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure - includes all activity)

    67lbs in 6 months is 11lbs a month. Which is a deficit of 1283kcal below TDEE daily on average.

    So calculate average daily gross calorie intake over previous 6 months and add 1283 kcal over it to maintain. (For this to work you need to keep activity and exercise the same as before for next 3 weeks).

    Eating this much might be difficult for you given you have been in a weight loss mindset. Its also possible that you feel full too soon. So eat calorie dense foods like nuts, full fat dairy, etc. You could even see a spike in weight due to some water weight addition. Be mindful of whats happening and dont freak out.

    Good luck for your wedding and congratulations for the fast weight loss.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If MFP's estimates for your weight loss were accurate (expected rate of loss) then maintenance calories will be accurate too. Conversely if they weren't they most likely won't be for maintenance either.

    Would say work from your last four weeks not the entire duration of your weight loss - you aren't the same person you were 67lbs ago!! (Well done BTW.) How much did you lose in the last 28 days?

    To get a number that adjusts for your all your personal estimates using your own data....
    Add up all calories eaten in last 28 days, add 3500 for each pound lost, divide total by 28 for your daily maintenance number.

    You might get a water weight, plus weight of extra food in your system, jump coming off a big calorie deficit though so maybe undercut that number a little.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You can keep it a little simpler. How fast have you lost the last 4 weeks? Add 300-500 cal per day per pound. No need to add up daily cals for the whole month. If 2 lbs per week add back 600-1000 cals per day. Adjust up or down based on weekly weigh ins. Of course, weight naturally fluctuates, including with your monthly cycle. Congrats!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I get married November 11th in 6 months I have lost 67 lbs and 47.75”. But now I have to maintain, are MFP maintain calories accurate? Please help my dress needs to fit perfect! Can’t wait to continue losing after the wedding!

    You don't need to use MFP, use your real life data based on how many calories you have been eating to lose weight.