Fat loss tips

Hi community!
I'm trying to lose bodyfat and tone my body. I do strength training and little cardio and control my daily calories intake with MPF. So far I'm doing well but I'd like you to give some advice. It's not much what I have to lose but i feel I'm one of those 'skinny fat people', look skinny with clothes but not without.

Any tips and advice welcome!! Thx


  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    I know many ladies who opted to focus more on strength training to shape the body they wanted instead of losing more weight. They were also 'skinny-fat' and wanted a more athletic look. For the most part, their weight hasn't changed much.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    That’s pretty much it. But I would suggest if you aren’t yet, go with a progressive strength training program that will have you increasing the weight you lift gradually.
  • Anamargonz
    Anamargonz Posts: 35 Member
    Thx for the replies! That's pretty much what i do, i can see how I'm getting stronger and lifting heavier weights every week. I don't really worry about my weight as long as I'm happy with myself.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    "Skinny fat" has nothing to do with how you look with and without clothes. "Skinny fat" is the colloquial term to describe the condition in which a person has a normal weight but they have other health indicators that indicate they have health risks similar to what a fat person has.

    Skinny fat is a person with normal bmi but very high fat percentage vs. lean mass.
    In the lower half of healthy bmi the overall effect is that you kinda look slim in your clothes but naked it is ugly... Fat and cellulite dangling around. So it does has everything to do with how you look with and without clothes.

    OP, I'm in a similar position. I got myself in this due to years of health issues and months upon months (or even years) of only sitting or lying. Now I've started lifting as my health is better and very slowly recomping. It will take a lot of time. But I'm slowly seeing results and I love what I see!

    Just keep going. Don't give up!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    If are happy with your weight and you look ok naked but look too skinny with clothes, I suggest that you take a look at how well your clothes fit. Maybe you need to experiment with different cuts or styles or brands to get something that flatters your body.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Strength train (which you're doing), get adequate protein (by which I mean 0.8-1g per lb od body weight). If you're wanting to lose some more weight, eat at a sensible deficit (probably 250 cals/day if you don't have much to lose), if you're happy with your weight eat at maintenance and recomp (lose fat, gain muscle). Patience, patience, patience. And consistency :)