Low carb or low calorie.. advice please

Any ideas on which is the best option


  • nchase3
    nchase3 Posts: 7 Member
    I want to loose a stone...its just confusing because low carb is higher than the calories mfp says I'm allowed..
  • nchase3
    nchase3 Posts: 7 Member
    It's giving me 1200 I'm 5ft3 and 149lb
    To be honest I'd be happy at 140, I wouldn't say I'm overweight as such so yea I'll go with 1lb a week
    Thank you
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    It's tough being petite, you don't get allotted many calories. If you can find some cardio exercise you enjoy, you can earn a few more calories which makes it easier. Good luck!
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    Calories counting > Carb counting for weight loss.

    If I do have a lot of carbs, I do feel a bit bloated, but I'm okay overall weight-wise if I don't go over on my calories. It'll pass.

    < 5'2"
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    1200 calories is rock bottom and without exercise, I assume? Take a walk and earn a few more calories!

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    nchase3 wrote: »
    It's giving me 1200 I'm 5ft3 and 149lb
    To be honest I'd be happy at 140, I wouldn't say I'm overweight as such so yea I'll go with 1lb a week
    Thank you

    With less than ten pounds to lose you should really be aiming for half a pound a week. This will give you more calories as well.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    Do low carb if you really like eating that way. I lost weight easily with Atkins, but couldn't keep it off because I really didn't like eating mostly meat and eggs. I like fruit, grain, sugar too much for that to be sustainable long term.

    The one advantage of low carb is you tend to drop weight quickly in the beginning, which can be motivating. It is water weight and will come back if you eat carbs. But if you are planning to eat low carb for a while, it can help get you started.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    nchase3 wrote: »
    It's giving me 1200 I'm 5ft3 and 149lb
    To be honest I'd be happy at 140, I wouldn't say I'm overweight as such so yea I'll go with 1lb a week
    Thank you

    With less than ten pounds to lose you should really be aiming for half a pound a week. This will give you more calories as well.

  • Jancandoit7
    Jancandoit7 Posts: 356 Member
    yeah- you could eat more if you burned some calories- even just walking burns about 100 calories per mile-3 miles and you could eat 1500 cal. (which is very reasonable). I watch carbs, but definitely eat all kinds of stuff- prob about 100-150 net grams a day. A really low carb diet is way too limiting for me. But in the end, it's all about a calorie deficit-no mater how you choose to eat.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    nchase3 wrote: »
    Any ideas on which is the best option

    Less calories in (from food) and more calories out (from exercise), is the best option for weight loss.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    A calorie deficit is needed for weight loss. Low carb is a tool you can use for that or to address health concerns.
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    edited October 2017
    I’m 4’11” 105 right now. I don’t have much to lose, but it’s for my job, so I have to look really fit and slender. I do low calorie volume eating most days, and I go off a weekly, rather than daily, calorie count (otherwise I’d never get a decent meal out!). It took me time to develop a taste for the kinds of foods I eat (lots of veggies, lettuce wraps with tabouli, tofu, fruit/veggie whole juice), but it works for me and it’s usually pretty high carb, but mostly from fruits and veggies (and wine in my case).
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    A calorie deficit is needed for weight loss. Low carb is a tool you can use for that or to address health concerns.

    Low fat and high fiber eating is also a means of addressing health concerns. So is eating at a calorie deficit. So is eating a wide variety of nutritious foods. So is limiting saturated fat. So is limiting sodium. So is limiting cholesterol.

    It all depends on your particular health concerns, so general "health concerns" claims made about any specific diet and meant to be applied in a broad sense are rather silly.

    For most people, diets aren't medical prescriptions, even if there are some limits placed upon them by medical conditions.

    What drives me batty when I mention LCHF, it is nit-picked at, repeatedly in various threads.

    I mean, really? Saying Low carb is tool you can use to meet a calorie deficit or to address health concerns is wrong? I KNOW it depends on the health issue and I am sure that the vast majority of people would realize that too. I did not say ALL health concerns. I said people can use it to address health concerns... or should I now be concerned that people will assume I meant that eating LCHF will address someone else's health concern? Let's give people some credit! I think people know LCHF is not magic. :confused:

    I don't think we need to mention every other diet under the sun that can address a health issue in a "Low Carb or Low Calorie?" thread... Although I guess mentioning limiting food can help some issues would fit here.

    ETA Sorry OP. I let some MFP history amd my flu crankiness shine through there. But if my original comment did confuse you, I'm sorry. ;)

    The thing is, you never see a moderate way of eating touted as doing all sorts of magical things. Non-ethical vegans do. Regular ethical vegans don't, vegetarians don't, higher carb moderators don't. That's what I take issue with.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    A calorie deficit is needed for weight loss. Low carb is a tool you can use for that or to address health concerns.

    Low fat and high fiber eating is also a means of addressing health concerns. So is eating at a calorie deficit. So is eating a wide variety of nutritious foods. So is limiting saturated fat. So is limiting sodium. So is limiting cholesterol.

    It all depends on your particular health concerns, so general "health concerns" claims made about any specific diet and meant to be applied in a broad sense are rather silly.

    For most people, diets aren't medical prescriptions, even if there are some limits placed upon them by medical conditions.

    What drives me batty when I mention LCHF, it is nit-picked at, repeatedly in various threads.

    I mean, really? Saying Low carb is tool you can use to meet a calorie deficit or to address health concerns is wrong? I KNOW it depends on the health issue and I am sure that the vast majority of people would realize that too. I did not say ALL health concerns. I said people can use it to address health concerns... or should I now be concerned that people will assume I meant that eating LCHF will address someone else's health concern? Let's give people some credit! I think people know LCHF is not magic. :confused:

    I don't think we need to mention every other diet under the sun that can address a health issue in a "Low Carb or Low Calorie?" thread... Although I guess mentioning limiting food can help some issues would fit here.

    ETA Sorry OP. I let some MFP history amd my flu crankiness shine through there. But if my original comment did confuse you, I'm sorry. ;)

    The thing is, you never see a moderate way of eating touted as doing all sorts of magical things. Non-ethical vegans do. Regular ethical vegans don't, vegetarians don't, higher carb moderators don't. That's what I take issue with.

    Actually I usually see that post oten immediatly after someone claims a health benefit from a different diet. Stuff like:

    LCHF helped reverse my T2d - So would losing weight, adding fibre and exercising...

    Veganism did x,y,z - So does eating a healthy steak once in a while...

    Following a paleo diet helped wih my autoimmune disease - So would eating a healthy well balanced diet...

    I see it enough. More than enough. But if it is possibly a helpful, healthful diet, say it. Why not?