Binge eating...

I kind of "binged" tonight. I had THREE donuts for dinner. Im just under calories and not done exercising tonight, but, I just feel bad about it. I really want to get to my goal weight by next year. Ive been extremely stressed lately I think its why Im wanting to "binge" because food for me has always been comforting lol. ( well food and riding, but I hardly get the chance to ride anymore) Infact I hardly get time for myself anymore. Going out for a mile run used to be my "relaxation" time. Lately Ive had to run inside. I guess Im just looking for motivation and suggestions. I know everyone goes through difficult times in life, and our family is definitly going through it, so maybe I should just figure Im doing the best I can w things? Idk.


  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    You're under your calories. Thats amazing after a "binge." remind yourself of THIS feeling when reaching for comfort foods the next time. If you feel bad, it isn't comforting, is it? You have time to exercise. Regardless of where it is, let your mind drift and relax and enjoy.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    I'll share my new motto with you: Don't let the Perfect overshadow the Good. You've been 'good enough' to stay under your calorie allowance! That is a great accomplishment. And now, you're all the more motivated to work out! Have a good calorie burn!
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Thank you guys! That really gave me a "motivation boost" Going to exercise now, while the kids are entertained lol ( mickey mouse)