Morning or evening workouts?

laur06whit Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a nurse...I typically work 7am-3pm 5 Days a week, occasionally pick up shifts until 5pm or have unexpectedly long shifts once a month or so....long as in 16+ hours.

That being said...when to work out? I like working out in the AM but obviously would have to be in the gym by 5 to get a substantial sweat on and still make it to work on time. I’ve considered running in my neighborhood as well. Afternoon gym sessions are definitely doable but I find myself creating excuses to not go as the day progresses (tired, homework, errands to run, etc.) I realize excuses are always there and it’s something I am working on (self discipline), so I’m not looking for a lecture about the excuses please. Would just like some input as to when you work out and why you choose that time?? Thanks!


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    laur06whit wrote: »
    Would just like some input as to when you work out and why you choose that time?? Thanks!

    I dislike early morning workouts, takes a while for my ancient body to loosen up and I just don't perform as well. I cycle a lot and I'm frequently heading out for my ride when most cyclists are returning home.

    When I worked I used my "lunch" break for exercise when I could (typically mid-afternoon when the gym was quiet) or if I couldn't then I went to my local gym after dinner. Frequently the last to be thrown out of the gym at 10pm.
    I worked long shifts for ages and exercising during the day really perked me up and broke up a long day, far from making me feel tired - it energised me.

    Now I'm retired my favourite time is anywhere from late morning to late afternoon, fits my preference, I feel at my best, works for mine and my family's schedules.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I am a morning person, so that's whan I workout. I get a boost of energy and it also puts me in a good mood for the day. I was going in the afternoons after work but that time is so busy- making dinner, helping with homework, wanting to watch TV - I had every excuse in the book!
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Can you workout at home? Would that save time driving to the gym? I do a different (longer) program now, but for a year I did the “ideal fit 15 day challenge YouTube” workouts and saw great results. They’re about 20 minutes each or less. Personally, if I can get my workout done in the morning, my whole day goes so much better. It’s not hanging over my head.
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    I love an early morning workout. I often walk the dog and head out for a run at 0600 to get to work for 8am. However my gym doesn't open until 0900 so most of my weight sessions are in the evening at 1800. I find i just have to make sure i don't sit down and start doing other things to ensure i head out for my class.

    Main point is that the best time is when you can fit it in. Mornings offer less excuses but not always practical (dark, breakfast problems etc) but by the evening you can feel too shattered.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Write out your work and school schedule for the next week or two, determine how many workouts you want to do, and then look at each day to determine for that day only whether to exercise in the morning or at night. There's no reason why you always have to do one or the other. I lift on Sunday afternoon, Monday morning, and Wednesday night, for example. If you think you'd be up for an early morning session at the beginning of the week, schedule it then and then maybe later in the week schedule one immediately-post-work session. Varying the times might make it easier for you to stick to your plan.
  • draftsman28
    draftsman28 Posts: 98 Member
    Morning workouts are the best! Making a schedule / routine and sticking to it is the most important part. Dedicate and prioritize time to meet your goals for fitness and nutrition.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    When I use to work 90 hours a week, I just would lift when I could. I think I missed one session in a two year period.
  • FatWithFatness
    FatWithFatness Posts: 315 Member
    I workout in the morning and the evening depending on my schedule and my kid's schedule. I'd look into joining a 24hr gym. On the days I workout in the morning I have to get up at 445, on the days I don't I usually sleep till 515.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I Definitely prefer morning workouts. It starts my day off in the right direction!
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I work 9-5:30/6ish. The gym is almost empty from 7:40-8:40 am and ridiculously packed at 6pm, so I do weight training in the morning. I cannot bring myself to run in the morning though (it is also the coldest part of the day, and thus would really suck for most of the year here). I run after work before going dancing (I usually eat at work, drive to venue, run, then change at car before heading in) fills a gap of time that would be wasted otherwise (not enough of a time gap to do much else).
  • glubben
    glubben Posts: 45 Member
    I also work a 7 am - 3pm shift. I've done both morning and afternoon workouts. I find I get better results in the morning. Also I feel like it starts the day off right and I feel more awake and have more energy when I work out in the morning. I do typically go to bed by about 9pm though so I can make it to the gym at 5 am
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'm definitely a morning person (usually up by 5AM) but I also work out in the evenings ...typically mornings are running, rowing or swimming and evenings will be cycling or strength. For me getting a quick 10km run in before breakfast is a great way to start the day.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I run at 4:45 in the morning. Get back to the house around 5:45 and leave the house with son and Hubby for our school/work commute by 7:10am.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My workout times are variable by season. In the summer I ride in the AM because the alternative is 100* plus temperatures and I hate that. In the spring and fall I ride in the early evenings when I get out of work as conditions are generally about perfect and it's too dark in the AM. In the winter I ride whenever during the week because I'm usually on my indoor trainer due to dark in the AM and dark in the PM and cold...I still hit the road on weekends that are nice.

    I lift on Tues and Friday after work because that's when it fits into my schedule best.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I have a gym @ home so I workout first thing when I get home then eat dinner. Works perfectly for me. Weekends when I'm less busy I just workout whenever.
  • 796fra
    796fra Posts: 45 Member
    I started working out in the morning a couple of months ago and have found I'm definitely more consistent. Something always comes up after work. I get to the gym by 545 so I can work out for 45 min and then get to work by 730. I go 5 days a week so my sleep schedule is consistent.

    When I started I told myself I needed to be as consistent as possible for 3 weeks and then I would reevaluate. Now I wouldn't go back.

    Plus I start my day feeling like a bad kitten.