Getting Real This Time!

It has been a long time, I have lost focus so many times I can't count. I have been feeling miserable, it doesn't help that I deal with chronic pain issues everyday with bone and joint issues. But I know deep inside that if I get the weight off, then that will ease that up as well. I am very limited on exercise so that makes the journey a little harder. I woke up this morning and decided it is time to put away the excuses - there is always going to be a reason why it would be better to start tomorrow or next week or next month or even next year - but now is the time that I should be starting. I am determined to start living a healthier lifestyle and today is the start of the new journey. I want to lose about 75 to 100 pounds - I know it will not be easy but I know it is possible, I just need to stay focused. I am 46 years old, married with 5 adult girls between the 2 of us and 4 awesome grandchildren. I want to be around for many years to spoil those grandkids and be as healthy as possible to enjoy life with them. We are also getting ready to start the journey to become foster parents so that is even more motivation to make some changes. Please feel free to add me as a friend - we all know how support from others and sharing stories of what works or even our struggles can help each other. Looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me!


  • TicaKali
    TicaKali Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Frustration is endless for me. I just sign up in a gym. So go girl. We can do it!
  • TicaKali
    TicaKali Posts: 33 Member
    Add me
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • wandas37
    wandas37 Posts: 1 Member
    I broke my ankle and have been non- weight baring for 12 weeks. Today is my first day out of my wheel chair and out of a constricting cast and boot . Starting walking in my sketchers today. Not only was I non-weight baring with absolutely no exercise, I ate like crazy with no care of what I ate, knowing I would put even more weight on, but I just did not have the will power or motivation. So today starts a new day and I have started out my 4:00am day with more protein and fewer carbs. I hope I can stick with it by incorporating healthier foods in my diet. With the holidays around the corner I need some serious motivation.
  • Heather_J_May
    Heather_J_May Posts: 72 Member
    Hi. I’m just starting out (again!) and feeling determined! I am 57 and have 4 children and 4 grandsons at the moment. Looking to lose about 16 pounds and get fit at the same time. I’ve recently joined a gym and my body is still in shock! Feel free to add me. The more support the better! Good luck to everyone.