New and extremely sceptical for good reason



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Watch this video. It would be perfect for you in that case. Actually will cost you less to eat each week. Nothing extra to buy.

    Should mention that I actually feed 3 full adults on less than $19000 a year. Me doing 5:2 means they can have more anyway.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    "...when you input daily into your journal it makes you think twice about having that extra snack."

    If you need to think of this as a program, or a product to consume, what you receive for your low payment of nothing a day [plus ads] is a tool to restore mindfulness to your eating habits.

    The foods you describe, and the cooking you do can be broken down into components and entered by hand, or you can choose something that might be close enough for jazz--particularly at the this early stage--you only need to make yourself aware of what you are eating, when you are eating, and most importantly, how much you are eating.

    Just write it down. You may be surprised how even food that is great for you, will still pack on pounds if you eat it by the bag, box, or bushel.

    After a week or so, the patterns will emerge. But even the simple act of keeping an honest tally of what you eat in a day will slow you down.

    Then you make some decisions about what can or cannot be left out of your meal plan.

    But seriously...a lot of the food database under estimates calories/portion (and users sometimes over-estimate how much a portion actually is) and the exercise database over-estimates calories burned.

    BUT THAT"S OKAY! In the end it isn't about counting calories, it's about fueling your body enough of the right food to keep the bones moving, the brain engaged, and the tastebuds and tummy happy, yet not quite enough, that the body needs to breakdown stored reserves to make up the difference.

    You can fine tune the exact numbers, adjust the inputs, and track with impressive accuracy, fuel in vs fuel burned--and there are some amazing people on MFP who use all manner of techno-wotsits and dodads to do just that.

    But for plain folks who are just tired of the way things were and want a change of habit, this site can help by just showing you the general trends, and making you aware once more about what you eat, when you eat, and why you eat.

    Be honest with your food diary and you will soon find all the answers you need.

    I was skeptical too. I wasted months as a member without actually doing The Thing, thinking I don't need a 'puter to tell me what to eat. Well, 30 days of logging later and I finally understand. The 'puter doesn't tell me anything. I tell the 'puter what I have eaten, and what I plan to eat. It just helps me keep things balanced.

    There are so many helpful, knowledgeable, and kind people here. Alas, I am not one of them. I am just a former skeptic who now believes.

    Ask questions. Ask for help. Ask for encouragement. Ask for understanding. Questions are free! And MFP will deliver, at no extra charge--right to your 'puter screen; answers, assistance, congratulations, and empathy.

    I wish you every success.

    Oct 2012 --375
    July 17 2013 --332
    Goal for August 1 weigh-in--328
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    This post has to be a joke. You dont weigh over 300 pounds if you cant afford to eat!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I'm still waiting for the "good reason" as to why you're "extremely skeptical." I live on far less money than you and I've lost nearly 50 pounds and I'm still losing. This site is free and all you have to do is log what you're eating. Stay within your calorie allotment. It's simple, really.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    *hands up* << Another here who earns a lot less than you, and I live in one of the most expensive areas in my country. Cost of living and food around here is crazy. But i spend a lot less, and am losing weight. As others have said, log everything, keep within the guidelines MFP sets for you, and if you go over, move more! Your food choices sound great so I can only assume quantity is your problem. Log every ounce, ml and cheeky nibble that goes into your mouth, be honest about your activity level, and keep at it. This site is the best free tool ever. It sounds like you've maybe posted this is the wrong place, and yes I suspect your ariix diet thingumy is just one expensive ripoff - you say you can eat as much as you like on it? Wrong - everything has a calorie count to consider.

    To summarise, eat less, move more, log everthing honestly, and you'll see results :)