
So my current job is currently... driving around all day with my husband. Well, hes driving. But obviously it involves a lot of inactivity and not much option for exercise.

But, I've always been a fidgeter. Not all day, but I occationally find myself, tapping my foot, swinging my legs, moving my feet up and down really quickly, swinging side to side when standing etc.

So since we are driving all day, I figured maybe I can put more effort into turning my occasional fidgeting habit into a concious effort to "exercise" while driving. I also tighten my stomach muscles a few times for as long as I am able (to failure), trying to minic a plank I guess? Lol

Do you all think it would make any sort of difference in an "exercise way" ?


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    It's not going to have any impact in terms of cardiovascular fitness or muscle strengthening (though maybe some on that front if you are deliberately holding contractions?), BUT it does burn calories. This is part of what is known as NEAT - non exercise activity thermogenesis - which includes all our day to day moving around doing stuff, as well as all those little unconscious (or not, in your case) movements we make. How many calories it will burn though, is the question. Basically, probably the best you can do is monitor your rate of weight loss in relation to food intake. If you're losing at faster than the expected rate, you can get a rough idea of how many extra cals you are burning and therefore how much you can increase your food intake by. You will have to track this over several weeks in order to smooth out natural fluctuations, and using a weight trend app such as Libra, Happy Scale or Trendweight would probably be useful for this.

    Oh, you can do the muscle tightening thing with your glutes and quads too ;)
  • Nevetharine
    Nevetharine Posts: 10 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    which includes all our day to day moving around doing stuff, as well as all those little unconscious (or not, in your case) movements we make.

    Well , some of it IS unconcious. Mostly when I stand though.

    I've had a few people ask me in the bank, "Are you in a hurry??" Because of the swaying... and I'm just like... nah. Lol I just like the movement. Its calming.

    My brother says I make him seasick.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's not going to burn enough calories to matter, build enough strength to matter, or have any impact on your cardiovascular fitness.... but since you're doing it anyways... why not carry on? :)

    Just don't start counting this towards anything... anything it does burn will be a freebie if you will.