Keto Day 3 and way under macros and calories



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    PS - normal macros for keto are around 70% fat, 25% protein, 5% carbs. OP's protein goal is fine for keto purposes.

    Maybe at maintenance, but not enough to preserve muscle mass in a deficit
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    PS - normal macros for keto are around 70% fat, 25% protein, 5% carbs. OP's protein goal is fine for keto purposes.

    her current goal (80g) is at 21% - while not far below the recommended %, it is below the recommended - 92g would get her to 25% - but even with that - eating only 30-40% of the daily goal - yes the OP needs to take in more protein
  • Keto_N_Iron
    Keto_N_Iron Posts: 5,385 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    You def need more protein than that in a caloric deficit. aim for 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight. so if your goal is 160, that would be a min protein of 128 grams. not getting enough protein while in a deficit will lead to a larger % of your weight loss coming from lean muscle, not just the fat you want to lose.

    Not this! you need more fat that is too much protein..
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    You def need more protein than that in a caloric deficit. aim for 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight. so if your goal is 160, that would be a min protein of 128 grams. not getting enough protein while in a deficit will lead to a larger % of your weight loss coming from lean muscle, not just the fat you want to lose.

    Not this! you need more fat that is too much protein..

    Why? (I mean, sure, it's quite likely OP's goal is less than 160, so her target protein would be lesser in that case.)


    This idea that eating a moderate protein goal like .8 g/lb of a healthy goal weight will kick you out of ketosis is not based on anything solid (and also this idea that it MATTERS whether one is in ketosis is puzzling if one just just low carbing to lose weight and help with satiety).
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    rlanicek1 wrote: »
    You need more fat, not more protein. Too much protein and your body will convert it to sugar to use as energy (gluconeogenesis), rather that burning fat, which is the point of ketosis.

    This is a common misconception. It's not true.
    It has been said that eating a lot of protein will kick you out of ketosis because of gluconeogenesis [Footnote explanation: when protein is turned into glucose]. In spite of this claim, protein intakes from 122 to 176 grams (1.1-2.2 g/kg) per day did not prevent ketosis in several studies.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    rlanicek1 wrote: »
    You need more fat, not more protein. Too much protein and your body will convert it to sugar to use as energy (gluconeogenesis), rather that burning fat, which is the point of ketosis.

    You do realize that fat can be converted to glucose through glucenogenisis right? I dont know how those who follow keto don't recognize that as well.

    OP, Id aim for some fatty cuts of meat, oily fish or some hard cheeses. Personally, getting more proteins and fats will help with calories and support muscle retention. If your goal is a lean body over a skinny body, protein is very important. Also to note, maintaining muscle means faster decreases in fat mass and body fat % reductions.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited October 2017
    I agree with the others. More protein.

    For keto'ers, protein is a goal you want to hit or exceed. You want to maintain your lean tissue.

    Carbs a ceiling you want to stay under (mostly).

    Fats fill in the rest. If not hungry, eat fewer fats and rely on body fat for fuel that day. If hungry, eat more fat and protein.

    For example, a not hungry day could be 15g carbs, 85g protein, and 56g fat. A hungry day could be 20g carbs, 90g protein and 110g of fat.

    If not hungry for a few days, don't sweat it. Eat less on those days, but try to get in your protein.

    Snacks of fish is a good idea. Perhaps poultry. Protein powder is an easy trick to getting more protein if you find it hard.

    Good luck.
  • MakingItHappen2017
    MakingItHappen2017 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you to all that took the time to reply to my post. It is very much appreciated. With all the info on the internet things can be quite confusing and conflicting. Your advice is awesome.

    Please please correct me if I am wrong, but I take from this:
    1) It’s okay to be under calories sometimes
    2) I need to increase my protein - how many grams should I be eating? ( Really hate all the macro calculators I have tried and I have tried lots)
    3) Carbs target is all good
    4) Fat — Is this too high? Do I have to hit target to get a good weight loss or is this not necessary?

    Thanks again everyone for you help!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    protein - aim for .8g per goal lean muscle mass - i.e. if your overall goal is 150lbs with 20% BF - then goal protein should be - (150*.8)*.8 = 96g protein
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Thank you to all that took the time to reply to my post. It is very much appreciated. With all the info on the internet things can be quite confusing and conflicting. Your advice is awesome.

    Please please correct me if I am wrong, but I take from this:
    1) It’s okay to be under calories sometimes
    2) I need to increase my protein - how many grams should I be eating? ( Really hate all the macro calculators I have tried and I have tried lots)
    3) Carbs target is all good
    4) Fat — Is this too high? Do I have to hit target to get a good weight loss or is this not necessary?

    Thanks again everyone for you help!

    For keto I think what nvsmomketo said is correct:

    Try to stay at or under your carb goal (I think you don't need to be as low as 20g to do keto and that it's hard to get adequate vegetables on 20 g or less, but that's just my thing, don't mind me, as you didn't ask about that, I just hate that super low carbs are promoted as if vegetables are bad).
    Try to hit your protein goal (I'd aim for somewhere between .65 and .85 g/lb of a healthy goal weight).
    Eat fat to satiety. That means you don't have to hit any particular number and if you are lower than intended on a day or two, no matter.

    I don't think you have this problem, but I would make sure that you are not consistently coming in way low on calories or way low on fat, as the idea is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet (but your 90-120 g amounts seem like plenty to me).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thank you to all that took the time to reply to my post. It is very much appreciated. With all the info on the internet things can be quite confusing and conflicting. Your advice is awesome.

    Please please correct me if I am wrong, but I take from this:
    1) It’s okay to be under calories sometimes
    2) I need to increase my protein - how many grams should I be eating? ( Really hate all the macro calculators I have tried and I have tried lots)
    3) Carbs target is all good
    4) Fat — Is this too high? Do I have to hit target to get a good weight loss or is this not necessary?

    Thanks again everyone for you help!

    1. Yes, it's ok to come under sometimes, just like it's ok to go over sometimes.
    2. I'd aim for 100 to 125g per day (it's a good place to start).
    3. Anything less than 50g is considered ketogenic (YMMV a bit)
    4. Just fill the rest of your day in with fat.