Overeaters Anonymous

Good Morning. I’m curious to meet others who are part of Overeaters Anonymous or are curious about it. I’m working on steps one and two currently. I’m using the step study found at oabigbook.info.

Feel free to join the discussion by sharing your oa experience or questions. Or feel free to add me.


  • PineconeWarrior
    PineconeWarrior Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I just joined my local OA group nearly 4 weeks ago, I’ve been to 3 meetings so far.
    So far I’ve found it incredibly emotional, and a bit of a rollercoaster. I have been avoiding the emotions surrounding my overeating and binge eating since I was a young child and to face it all now is at times overwhelming. But it makes me feel good to go and share in my group, and everyone has been incredibly welcoming and supportive. I’m about to embark on step 1 soon, someone I already knew is a member and is guiding me, she may become my sponsor, possibly. I’m an impatient person so I’m trying not to push myself too hard, too fast; but I feel like I’m slowly making changes mentally as well as with my eating. I’ve been reading the 12 steps and 12 traditions book and have a photocopy of the first page of the OA work book which I am thinking about before I go ahead and put pen to paper and immerse myself in step 1. I’m going to buy my own book soon.
    I’m already losing weight and have lost 12lbs, but I won’t get be too excited about that until I know it’s because I am really making permanent positive changes.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    edited January 2018

    I'm active in MA (primarily) and AA and am accepting the fact that I need to expand my program into my eating behaviours as well. Accepting that I can't make this behavioural and attitudinal change alone, I'm looking to populate my friends list. I thought 12 steppers would be a great pool of people to say hi to. Hi!

    I suppose my first actionable and measurable goal is to sign into MFP every day.

    Have a good 24.

  • CallMeRu
    CallMeRu Posts: 33 Member
    There is none of that in my country, only AA. I'm curious though, what are the steps?
  • drtfm
    drtfm Posts: 1 Member
    Tried to send you a message CarPaydeum, but system gave me "User not found" message - I used CarPaydeum. Hmm. Maybe you'll know how to add me as a friend, I'm new to MFP. Also a relative newcomer to OA, and wondering how it's going for you - have you formed an OA-inspired group here? I'll be working with a temporary sponsor for the next few weeks, looking for a follow-on sponsor afterwards, and starting in to step 1.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    @drtfm, unfortunately none of the people posting in this thread are actively using MFP anymore. That is why you got 'user not found'.

    Cheers, h.