am I eating too few calories??

I have a question...I started myfitnesspal and was steadily losing 2lbs per week. I lost 10 lbs. Then, the calorie tracker automatically went down to1450. Ever since then, I haven't been losing any weight (just staying the same), although my clothes do seem a little more loose fitting. What I am wondering is, should I go back up the the calories I was eating when I was losing the 2 lbs per week..or try to continue on the I eating too few calories??


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You still have a considerable amount to lose, so if you're comfortable at 1450, stay there. How long have you not been losing?
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    I don't know but most people who do know and can help you are going to want more info. Open your diary. Current stats and fitness routine.
  • Nursemeg78
    Nursemeg78 Posts: 10 Member
    it has been a standstill for 2 weeks now almost
  • fynnvara
    fynnvara Posts: 2
    One thing to remember is that weight loss comes in spurts. Some weeks you'll lose weight and some weeks you won't, what your body is doing instead is losing inches. I've been with MFP since Nov and I adjust my calorie intake when MFP says to do so. Sometimes I lose several pounds a week and sometimes I don't. Don't feel discouraged if you don't lose any weight for a few weeks, it could be your body is adjusting to the weight loss by allowing the inches to actually melt away.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I wouldn't change anything for a month. I lose only every 3 weeks in chunks. Make sure you're measuring your food as accurately as possible. If you've started new exercise, that could cause a temporary stall. Are you overestimating exercise calories?
  • chickpea1961
    chickpea1961 Posts: 1 Member
    I reached my goal weight today with a total loss of 17.2kgs. I had the same problem at the beginning and experimented, for a while, with daily calorie intake. I found that I needed to be eating 1200cal a day to get a steady result. I ended up losing an average of 100grams per day. Try bringing the cals down for a couple of weeks. Of course if you feel hungry or light headed at any stage increase to a comfortable level.
    I dont know if it will help you at all, but I also cut out bread and white rice, decreased potato to only having 2 med size per week and cut out bananas and nuts.
    I increased my protein - eating mainly chicken and fish as I am not a big red meat eater - poached and boiled eggs.
    I also wear a pedometer and walk approximately 20 thousand steps a day - either on the treadmill at the gym or walking the dog.

    Dont get disheartened though. Sometimes the body needs to plateau for a while. You may find that over the next couple of weeks the weight will drop quite dramatically.

    Well done with the progress so far. I am sure you are feeling so much better for the weight loss already achieved.
  • Nursemeg78
    Nursemeg78 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks everyone! I do not record any exercise...I do not have an exercise routine...I am a nurse and walk for approx. 8 hours per shift. I do not log any of this walking though...could that b messing me up?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    What have you put as your activity level? Being on your feet all day can increase your calorie needs surprisingly.