Frustrated with weight increase

I have been on a very long journey of weight loss. I at one point was 104 pounds, originally at 180's. I loved being that small. During that time I was extremely depressed and stressed but worked out and ate a very low calorie diet (like 500 calories). I had been able to maintain that for quite some time..gradually increasing weight but not ever reaching the 120's until now. I am 47 years old, not near as active but still eat very low calories (typically around 800-900) a day, but as of the other day the scale is at 129 and I am extremely frustrated. Can someone motivate me?


  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    While I doubt your calorie intake is actually that low since it's resulted in weight gain, your post does indicate very disordered thinking about eating. You do not need motivation. You need professional help.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Seek professional guidance as it sounds as if your eating and mindset are very disordered and unhealthy. What you are and have been doing will lead to potentially very serious health issues, if you have not already done damage. The goal should be health, not starvation. How tall are you? Unless you are particularly short, you should not be desiring a weight of 104 Ibs anyway.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    MonCheri wrote: »
    I have been on a very long journey of weight loss. I at one point was 104 pounds, originally at 180's. I loved being that small. During that time I was extremely depressed and stressed but worked out and ate a very low calorie diet (like 500 calories). I had been able to maintain that for quite some time..gradually increasing weight but not ever reaching the 120's until now. I am 47 years old, not near as active but still eat very low calories (typically around 800-900) a day, but as of the other day the scale is at 129 and I am extremely frustrated. Can someone motivate me?

    did you read what you said there? you loved being that small, but were depressed, stressed and ate 500 calories per day? as others said, you need professional help - nothing people here can do for you.