Calories for exercise

How do YOU track your calories burned from exercise?

I've really tighten up my logging and have been very consistent with working out. Lost 6 lbs in the first two weeks.
I have my calorie goal set to maintenance and using my exercise for the defict. I use my garmin hr to track calories burned, but the first two weeks I wasnt using it and was just plugging in circuit training into mfp. Which is pretty much the same as my garmin is now reporting, mfp was a tiny bit more.

So I was averaging net calories of 1200-1300. This past week though my weight has crept back up 2lbs. I know it's probably just water weight(TOM and increased strength training) but worried maybe I'm just over estimating calories burned.

Curious to see how others calculate it?


  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    I don't record calories for strength training, too may variables, and no accurate way to measure it.

    I do my cardio on machines at the gym that allow me to input important stats like weight, age, etc, and it can estimate calories burned. I usually record it @ face value. For other cardio that isn't on the machines ( very infrequent ), I skip logging that as well.

    For me, the extra cals I don't log seem to balance out any inaccuracy in the machine readings, and my weight loss has been predictably at or above expected weekly rate.