When do you decide it’s time for new clothes...



  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    I made the mistake of getting over excited when sizing down in the early stages and ended up wasting lots of money on clothes that were themselves obsolete not terribly long later. While I agree with what others have said that having some items that fit great is a big confidence booster, there are cheaper ways to achieve this.

    Thrift stores I actually managed to score so really nice stuff from. I had to go through 10,000 items to find the gems, but that actually became part of the fun. I also started turning to a used clothing chain called Plato's Closet to find new gear while I was transitioning.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    There are some things I won't buy from thrift stores. Exercise clothes being one. Just knowing someone has drenched them in sweat turns me off completely. So for those things I look for sales, clearance, etc.

    Also pants. I can't bring myself to buy pants someone else has worn. So sales etc. are my friend there. I have less phobia with shirts or jackets and will get them at thrift stores.

    This is just me though.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    I went from a size 8 to a size 2 in pants and a M/L to a S in tops.. tops aren't a big problem, I can still wear most of them, they just look a little looser. Jeans are definitely an issue, I've held out as long as possible. A few pairs of 6's I can still wear and use a safety pin to button them and make them smaller, my 4's are ok, can still wear without the safety pin I just have to pull them up occasionally and my 2's fit nicely. Christmas is around the corner and my parents still buy us gifts, so I plan to ask for clothing store gift cards so I can get a few new pairs of jeans and probably a few more fitted tops - and put the bigger stuff away for good. After that I'll reassess my clothing situation and buy what I need.
  • azironasun
    azironasun Posts: 137 Member
    Do you all buy second hand? Only buy a few items? What works for you all? I mainly wear t-shirts, so I don’t mind if they’re baggy. I’m a full time student and stay at home mom, so I’m not dressing to impress. Thanks!

    Goodwill is your best friend on the way down. There are a number of them in your area. Check them out.
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    edited October 2017
    I also love thrift shopping! It takes some hardcore searching to find the good stuff, but as another commenter said it makes it more fun. I also check out Plato's closet and Clothes Mentor. They're clothing resale shops that have the more stylish things and are a little easier to comb through. I just recently got a pair of anthropology jeans from clothes mentor for $15 and they're so cute!
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    I just bought a few items at a time. I dont see a point in buying a whole new wardrobe for each size but I also dont like to walk around in super baggy clothes. I think I ended up buying 2-3 pairs of pants in each size as I needed them + a few shirts and yoga pants. Luckily the yoga pants have lasted through a huge weight range so I think I have gone shopping for them 2x in the last 40lbs. I boughy my jeans when the next size down was pretty snug so I could get lots of use out of them haha! I just shopped at Ross and kept it simple so it wasnt too bad!!! You will probably feel so much better if you get some well fitting clothes :)
  • magster4isu
    magster4isu Posts: 632 Member
    I use buying new clothes as rewards for reaching mini goals on my journey.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Ebay is a great source. Many of the things there have never been worn and still are very cheap.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I am poor so I have yet to buy clothes the next size(s) down. Maybe when I get to goal and I have a tax refund in my account.
  • amandacalories
    amandacalories Posts: 107 Member
    Yoga pants and leggings, they last longer then regular pants. Buy the tops from goodwill. The only thing I've bought after 25+ pounds is some new yoga pants. I'm like you, id rather hold out until I get closer to maintenance. Luckily for me I work in health care and scrubs are very forgiving.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    I used buying clothes as a reward for progress so went through several changes of outfit from size 22 to 6. Although (big mistake) I didn’t update my underwear.
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    I wait until clothes are super baggy.. Lost 33lbs and currently using same clothes. Maybe by losing another 10lb mark i might rethink it and buy better fitting clothes since I'll be 10lbs away from ideal weight.
  • BritishSpy007
    BritishSpy007 Posts: 431 Member
    when I get asked to leave for not wearing any.
  • HeidiGrrrl
    HeidiGrrrl Posts: 81 Member
    When they're literally falling off of me and I need safety pins to keep them on. So far that's only applied to pajamas, even after a 61 pound loss. I still wear everything I always have. My size hasn't changed all that much. I bought two pairs of 2-size smaller jeans: one was a stretch pair (fit great because they stretch), and the other standard cotton (too tight). Makes me sad that my size hasn't changed after 60 pounds. :'(
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I personally don't buy anything from a thrift store because you don't know what the person has or done in them. I just can't get past the fact of someone sweating or whatever I'm the clothing I'm wearing. I just buy clearance like boscovs junior or go to Aeropostale they have cheap prices or ross or tj maxx or gabes or Walmart!
  • Lisa8823168
    Lisa8823168 Posts: 139 Member
    I found that it helped to wear something around the house that showed my progress...When my kids and husband could see progress, they became more helpful in the process...and the kids got real curious about learning more about nutrition. Ditto with friends and acquaintances.

    I don't advocate going out and spending big at each juncture, but hit those second hand/ebay resources for inexpensive things that fit and compliment and show off your accomplishment. Positive feedback is a great confidence builder and motivator. When you hit your goal...then spend the bigger money to get the things you love.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm cheap and relatively poor, so I just wear a belt or sew a tuck in a pair of pants or skirt that's too large. Since I'm not working, most of the clothes I wear are casual, so baggy doesn't matter. I hate shopping and would rather wear a very limited selection than spend time in shops. I can't buy online because I have no idea what my current size would be. I've worn a medium for the past 50+ pounds. That works for shorts and shirts. I just look better in them than I did 50 pounds ago.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    There are some things I won't buy from thrift stores. Exercise clothes being one. Just knowing someone has drenched them in sweat turns me off completely. So for those things I look for sales, clearance, etc.

    Also pants. I can't bring myself to buy pants someone else has worn. So sales etc. are my friend there. I have less phobia with shirts or jackets and will get them at thrift stores.

    This is just me though.

    Not just you. It's gross.
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    I have been picking up a few things here and there when needed. I was forced into buying new jeans because the thighs wore through in my old ones (I think I needed to have jumped up to 18s before I started on my journey and the stuffed in thighs made for extra wear). I had to dress up for work the other week (normal dress code is jeans and nice tops) and so I went to Penney’s and got some decent dress pants in the right size for $20 or so as the only others I owned (leftover from last job) looked like I borrowed them from someone and would barely stay up.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I'm down 29 pounds. My size 10 pants are all extremely saggy. I have a size 6 from my skinny days that fit snug. I was hoping to skip right over buying 8s but I think I'm gonna cave and buy a few cheap pairs to get me through. I probably won't buy shirts unless I have an occasion where I need to look nice (not often haha. I've got three kids and work from home). Otherwise old baggy shirts are just fine for now.