Need friends. Weight struggle.

Please add me. Looking for friends. Fell off the bandwagon today and splurged on a lot of food. Not going to log it, too ashamed. Just need support to get back on track


  • WeightJourney77
    WeightJourney77 Posts: 32 Member
    To be quite honest, I almost got triggered into my bulimia again because of how mad I was at myself. But fortunately I resisted the urge and just cried it out. Just looking for support.
  • quatermore
    quatermore Posts: 96 Member
    I also splurged today but I enjoyed it tremendously. One day out of seven! Tomorrow I'll be eating at my normal deficit again. None of us are perfect. Be kinder to yourself. Falling off the bandwagon is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Are you trying to deprive yourself, of taste and/or nutrition? You can, and should, lose weight eating whatever you like, in fact, not doing so is extremely hard and makes people binge when they can't take it anymore.