Week One

I’m into week one and of using My Fitness Pal and I have lost 10 pounds. Before anyone starts to say... Whoa, way too fast! I want to share what I am doing.

No soda. Water only. I drink one coffee per day. I’m working on increasing my water.

I gave up my Tim Hortons breakfast sandwiches and swapped the out for oatmeal.

Three meals and two snacks a day.

Portion control using divided containers.

Taking food to work and snacks.

Lean meats, half the meal is veggies.

Minimal grains.

Bragg’s aminos.

I was having an affair with Skip The Dishes and we e now broken up.

I will allow myself one cheat day per week.


  • MeechyLA
    MeechyLA Posts: 159 Member
    Congrats! My early plan was very similar, especially cutting out the soda. Portion control was tough, but cutting out delivery and having fatty leftovers tempting me in the fridge the next day helped a lot with that.